Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying your day! This morning I did lots of food prep, made a blueberry salad dressing, egg dishes etc. and went to Aldi’s. This afternoon we are going to Costco and then to Walgreens for bandages for Al’s ear wound.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I think the enemy must be rejoicing when he sees the division in our nation; especially Christians pitted against one another because they may have differing views. That should not be because the foundation of our relationships is in the Lord not just in a certain person or political party. Becky Beresford writes on about truths we need to cling to at this time in our nation. God loves us all, regardless of our differences, for He gave His life for all who come to Him. Our hope and our confidence are in Him as it says in Rom. 15:13 (The Message), “Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!” The hope we have in the Lord will never disappoint us for He is head over everything. He calls us to pursue peace as His followers and stand together for our enemy is the evil one and it is the devil we war against. The more he divides us the less power we have against him. We are to stand together! We don’t have to take matters into our own hands but remember that He is the judge and the Pay Back belongs to Him. It seems like things are getting darker and darker as the time for His return gets nearer. But as Christians we don’t need to be afraid, for He is our light and our salvation; we don’t need to fear anything or anyone. What is important is to keep our mind on the Lord and focus on Him. Sometimes after I watch the news, I just go to my desk and read some scriptures and get refocused. Paul tells us in I Cor. 4 16-18 not to give up even when on the outside it looks like things are falling apart; for inside God is making new life and unfolding His grace. The hard times we have to go through are nothing compared to the lavish celebration God is preparing for us one day. Let us live in unity and love!
Challenge for today: Unite and not divide, and overflow with love for others!
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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