Dear Ones,
Hope you had a good weekend! We were happy to watch Kansas City win yesterday and hope to actually be in Kansas for the Super Bowl. This morning Al had cancer removed from from his ear and so glad our Dermatologist caught it during his annual check up. I went to my exercise class and did some studying.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How do we get along with those who seem difficult to love? I was reading what Joanna Teigen had to say on as she wrote about, “How to cope when your spouse is driving you crazy.” But I think what she had to say may be helpful for each of us in loving others, anyone who may be quite different from us and seems to get under our skin. She begins by telling us to give thanks for the good we see in our partner. Try to see them from another point of view as seen by others as a good boss, a helpful neighbor, a faithful Elder etc. Then to pray for our spouse and put his failings in God’s hands. If he has a bad attitude, also pray for our own attitude and to be filled with God’s love and compassion. Try to see them through God’s eyes as someone fearfully and wonderfully made. Remember that God looks at them as a chosen possession, treasured, honored and loved. The next thing is especially important for Joanna tells us to look in the mirror ourselves and see the speck that is in our own eye. Rather than focus on their failures and irritations pray Psalm 139:23 (NRSV), “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” As we look at what needs to be corrected in ourselves, we will be more patient with our partner on his growth journey. Rather than criticizing and judging him, we can be supportive as the Holy Spirit works changes in him. But Joanna also tells us if we are ready to explode, sometimes we may need to just walk out the door and reach out to a trusted mature Christian friend. This would be someone who can listen to us and hear our confession of our own bitterness and help us get a fresh perspective. I have to say I am very blessed to have a hubby that has heard a teaching about the man being the first to ask forgiveness and he really practices that. It humbles me when he kneels before me to ask my forgiveness and my heart melts to also see my failures. Let us do our part in being good confessors, forgivers, lovers of others, and practice what Jesus told us to do.
Challenge for today: The next time a friend or your spouse drives you crazy, go apart and pray  Psalm139:23.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy