Devotions from Judy’s heart
As we are traveling, I am reading a book by Dawn Miller called, “Promiseland”. She is the Laura Ingalls Wilder of our century. One story had to do with a woman who made a memory-quilt from pieces of scrap materials of various parts of her life. ….some good like her childhood, her dad’s overcoat etc, and some not so good. One piece she wanted to pass over but her pastor’s wife told her a good quilter chooses the pieces with her heart not her eyes. If you do that, no matter how ugly it may seem at first, how bad the colors clash, the quilt will always turn out good in the end when you put the whole thing together. Just like the good and bad things in our lives. God pieces them together to somehow make good of them and to make us what we are today. “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose.” Rom 8:28 Let us give Him all the pieces of our lives that our quilt will tell a wondrous story of His grace.
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