Devotions from Judy’s heart

Have you heard someone going through hard times say, “Why me?” I don’t suppose any of us like to suffer trials. But we are told to share in sufferings as a good soldier of Christ. ( II Tim. 2:31) and further on in 3:12 it promises us we will suffer. “Indeed all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” On Facebook one day I read the quote, “Faith doesn’t deny problems existence. It denies it a place of influence.” Let us not be bowed under by what we have to go through but, by faith, rejoice we can share in His sufferings. I noticed today in my devotional time that there is a blessing promised to us when we suffer for righteousness sake. ( I Peter 3:14). Let us not flinch and question why we have to go through trials but count it all joy. A portion of a prayer on a mug I bought says, “A trial, I know, may simply be a blessing in disguise, so help me look for miracles right before my eyes. Time will tell the pattern which You weave with love divine. Grant that I may help create Your Grand and glorious design.”