Devotions from Judy’s heart
As we are traveling I have been reading books and I just finished one by George Mac Donald. It spoke to me about pride and how it separates us from God and from others in the Body of Christ. We can outwardly be doing the right things and even be prideful of our goodness, but no person is good enough. Our own goodness is an illusion. In fact we usually end up judging others. But if we to be children of Light we must choose to come into the light, even when it seems painful to face what we see. But we can’t really hide as ‘there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, neither hid that shall not be made known.”(Luke 12:2) When we open the doors of our spiritual house and let Him shine His light and blow a fresh breeze through, we experience more freedom than ever before. Walls crumble and love flows. Also the pride we may have in our own church Body is done away with and love and unity becomes the trademark demonstrating to the world we are One! Let us be His humble children of the Light!!!
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