Devotions from Judy’s heart
I was struck in my readings of how we can hide from our pain but hiding out gets real lonely. We all have pain and we are tested in our faith as we go through trials. Do we believe God is God? Can we trust He can take us through our darkest hours and shine His light into our hearts to show us what we are made of and what we are made for? I am reading about the children of Israel and how they saw the Red Sea parted before their eyes, they ate manna from heaven etc but when trials came they forgot. Sometimes the reasons for what happens to us don’t seem good and the answers are not what we’d like but let us not forget He is God. He knows best. If the children of Israel would have reached out to the Lord and followed, He would have led them Home. So sad that those over 20 never got into the Promise Land. Going through the hard times can make us a better person and help us see things we would never have seen in the good times. “Once we learn to love like the Lord loves us, like we’ve never been hurt before, than that’s when we find our home…our Promiseland.”
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