Devotions from Judy’s heart
On our first day in Sanibel when we had just come back from the beach, seeing my aunt’s place, and walking to the light house, Stanton asked if he should heat up the hot tub for us. I felt like he had already shown us so much he didn’t need to do more, and Al was tired after the long ride. But Al said “Let’s do it!” We had a delightful time not only in the hot tub but the pool. It has subtle lighting and we talked for a long time. Afterwards I thought I almost missed out, as I wanted to be “polite” and not put someone out. But we all enjoyed a great evening. I wonder how many times God has more for us but we settle for only a portion of what He has. Maybe we feel undeserving. Maybe we don’t recognize it as a gift from above, or that it is too good to be true. In I Tim. 6:17 it says we are to “Hope in God, who richly provides everything for our enjoyment.” Let us receive today every blessing small or big that He has for us with gratitude and joy.
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