Devotions from Leighton Ford’s book, The Attentive Life
What are the qualities of attentiveness?
- Being fully present in the moment. As we pay attention to the present, each moment stands alone and becomes a visitation.
- Looking long enough. As we look with absolute attention on something, it is like a revelation takes place.
- Looking freshly at what is familiar. We don’t have to travel far for we can have a fresh awareness of what is close by and can change us.
- Being available. Attentiveness means a willingness to listen for God’s voice and being ready to obey.
- Becoming aware. To live in awareness that each moment is an art that requires practicing.
- Waiting with expectancy. To wait expectantly requires both discipline and commitment.
- Being mindful and wakeful. We are to come awake and remain awake.
Attentiveness is both a gift to treasure and a discipline to practice.
A good practice today could be to say The Lord’s Prayer with absolute attention. We may be surprised at what happens within us.
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