Devotions for Leighton Ford’s book, The Attentive Life
Each of us is part of a larger, longer, eternal purpose. God was contemplating us before we were born. As it says in Ps. 139:16 “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
We need to pay attention to what God was doing in us long before we saw the light of day for the first time.
God is thinking of us right now and if no one else ever hears of us, God knows we exist. He greets each of us and calls us to be special persons who live purpose-drawn lives.
We can address our Creator with thanks and openness:
“Thank you, God, for creating me in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for paying attention to me, even before I was born
Thank you for naming me even before my parents did.
And please show me: why have you chosen me.”
As we reflect on our history may we ask with an open heart: For what purpose am I here?
And let us remember that God began to seek us even before we knew it, in the time before our time.
May we live in this awareness today.
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