Devotions from Judy’s heart
While we were in Charleston we went to the Air Force Base court where Paul and I played tennis for a while. After a bit we decided to join Al, Joe and Lars for a game of Horse. I could see the look in the grandkids eyes that they thought grandma would be no competition at all in this game! Joe is 6’3″ and Lars is very competitive etc so you get the picture. But I told them they may be surprised! It wasn’t long before I had eliminated 3 of the guys and it was down to Lars and me. He felt confident he would be beat me. But shock of shocks, I beat him! It made me think of, in a spiritual sense, how in our weaknesses God’s power is seen even more! Scripture is full of examples of this and we need only to think of David taking down the giant Goliath. I think it is freeing to realize how weak we are and how strong He is and wanting to shine forth in our weakness. As it says in I Cor 1 that He chose the foolish the weak, the lowly and despised so that no one can boast before Him. Our boast is in the Lord!! Let us surrender our weaknesses to Him so He may move in His power to make us strong in Him!
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