Devotions based on Trevor Hudson’s book, Discovering our Spiritual Identity
A natural outflow of our life of faith is sharing the Lord with others. As we do this He becomes more real to us and deepens our dependence on the Spirit. Jesus tells us to let our lights shine before others. (Matt. 5:16) We can be his witnesses by: fasting from many words, discerning the right time, and sharing our faith with others. There is a tendency to use many words to convince people of the gospel. But how much better to be quiet and give the other person our interest and attention. They will feel respected and valued and may ask us questions….what is different about us? etc. “We must let our lives speak, before our words can be heard!” Timing is also important and we need to watch for openings that the Spirit creates. If we rush in before the person is ready our words may be resented. When we do get the chance to speak to others we should use wise words and show respect. In I Peter 3:16 it says we should share the hope within us with gentleness and reverence. We should leave others the freedom to choose and trust the Holy Spirit to attract them to Christ. We don’t need to overwhelm them with our entire testimony. We all have a unique story of faith and even if ours seems ordinary and un-dramatic, the Spirit can use it for the glory of God.
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