Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: October 2022 (Page 3 of 3)

Why, O Lord

In 63:7- 64:12, Isaiah is acting as a mediator on behalf of his people.  It is a lament and a cry of help.  The content is similar to the book of Lamentations.  The prophet laments over the failure of the people, but also questions God about allowing perilous conditions to persist. These are questions asked in real pain and perplexity, not in hostility or arrogance.  Rather then brooding within, Isaiah directs his compliant upwards to God.  

Where are you, God?  Why are things so different from the way they used to be?  Why are our hearts so hard?  How can we be saved?  How much longer will you be angry with us? “This is one of the most eloquent intercessions of the Bible, as he [Isaiah} surveys the past goodness of God and the present straits of his people” (New Bible Commentary).

Isaiah remembers the way God lead his people. The Message expresses it compassionately, “He didn’t send someone else to help them.  He did it himself, in person.  Out of his own love and pity He redeemed them.  He rescued them and carried them along for a long, long time” (63:9).  But they turned away.  “But they turned on him, they grieved his Holy Spirit.  So, he turned on them, became their enemy and fought them” (v 10).  I wonder how much we have turned away from the Lord? 

Then Isaiah cries out in lament. “Whatever happened to your passion, your famous mighty acts, Your heartfelt pity, your compassion? Why are you holding back? (63:15 -MGS).  He is wondering why God is not making his presence known in their present crisis.  He goes on to ask, “Lord, why have you allowed us to turn from your path?  Why have you given us stubborn hearts, so we no longer fear you? (63:17 NLT).  Isaiah is probably wondering, “God are you giving us what we deserve.”  Is this a question we dare to ask?  

But in 64:1 he cries out boldly, “Oh, that you would burst from the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you!”  He is asking God to act on behalf of his people.  He recognizes God’s sovereignty in history saying, “Since before time began no one has ever imagined, no ear heard. no eye seen; a God like you who works for those who wait for him” (64:4 -MSG).  

He grieves over the condition of the people. “No one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us and have given us over to our sins” (64:7 NLT).  The prophet seems to accept the sinful condition of his people, as God, “giving them over to their sins.”  

Then we hear his heart felt prayer for the nation. “Still, God, you are our Father.  We’re the clay and you’re our potter: All of us are what you made us.  Don’t be too angry with us, O God.  Don’t keep a permanent account of wrongdoing.  Keep in mind, please, we are your people – all of us” (v 9 – MGS).

In the midst of all the wrong that he sees in the nation, Isaiah directs his prayer in lament to God.  This is a lesson for each of us.  The greater the darkness, the more we should bring our complaint to God.  But like Isaiah we need to plead for his mercy upon us, even though we do not deserve it.  “In the face of all this, are you going to sit there unmoved, God?  Aren’t you going to say something?  Haven’t you made us miserable long enough?” (64:12 – MSG). 


October 10, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend. We had a special time in Remer at the funeral of a former member and also time with friends from Nevis. We went from there to a wedding that blessed us all. You can read about it in the following devotion. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   When we returned from a wedding, both Al and I remarked that it is the most godly wedding we have ever been to; everything done was referenced to the Lord and His glory. This wedding was one we anticipated as I have prayed daily the last couple years for a husband for Hope, as well as for 10 others who have asked for prayers for God’s mate for them. What a beautiful answer and well worth waiting for God’s best.
   The wedding was outside on October 8th, which was chancy since one never knows what the weather will be like. But many prayers went up for that and the day was better than the weatherman the low 60’s and the sun warming us during the entire ceremony. This wedding from the start to finish was all focused on the Lord. There were no bulletins or big fancy bouquets of flowers but a wedding arch with silky cloth and flowers woven into it. Chairs were set up in an open field behind the biggest Town Hall I have ever seen. I would estimate about 300 people filled the chairs and each bridesmaid came down the long grassy aisle with a groomsmen who was freely expressing joy by skipping, or cartwheels, or putting their arms up towards the Lord etc. The bride was on the arm of her father-in-law, as the song, “Jesus is the Center” played. Hope’s mother is already in heaven and her father far away. She looked radiant for this is the day that she had waited to be joined with the one that God had for her. Solomon has also sought the Lord and knew she was the one soon after he met her. Two pastor’s spoke very personally to the couple in their choice of words and scriptures. Solomon’s dad also gave a brief capsule of their courtship and at the end he asked the audience for words that described each of them… many beautiful words were shouted out of their godly character and fruitful lives. Their vows were written with much thought and prayer as they pledged aloud to give themselves to the Lord and to love one another for all of their lives. I think there were teary eyes by those listening and maybe thoughts of our own marriages. After several long kisses they literally danced down the grassy aisle in joy with hands lifted high. We all felt like we had been in His presence witnessing an expression of His divine love.
   Afterwards rows of long tables were set up and food made and served by friends of the bride and groom, followed by a dance.
One day all who know the Lord will be present at the marriage feast of the lamb, and will experience joy unspeakable to be in His presence. This was just a little foretaste of that.
Challenge for today: Spend some time today delighting in His presence!
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

October 8, 2022

Dear Ones,
  Hope you are having a great weekend. There was snow yesterday at the Silver Chateau (cabin) before our son left to go back to Kansas. Today we are going to Remer as Al is speaking at the  funeral of a member that we knew from our former congregation and have prayed for her family. We go from there to Brookston to  the outdoor wedding of a special couple. The bride’s mother was a member of our church in Des Moines many years ago, and has since died. But we pray daily for her family and have kept in contact and it will be a joy to be at the wedding. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  As I awakened one morning, a song was playing in my mind; a song I remember our quartet sang when I was a teen. But the words were so clear to me: “I don’t know about tomorrow/ I just live from day to day/ I don’t borrow from its sunshine/ for its skies may turn to gray/ I don’t worry o’er the future/ for I know what Jesus said/ and today I’ll walk beside Him/ for He knows what is ahead. “And the refrain goes “Many things about tomorrow/ I don’t seem to understand/ but I know who holds tomorrow/ and I know who holds my hand.”
    I find this song has more meaning today than when I sang it years ago. Our world has changed so much since my predictable world back then, when the Bible was believed as the Word of God, and we had respect for parents and one another. It was not like today where our world is out of control, anything goes, and parents aren’t privy to what their children are even doing.
   We can only live in peace if we put our complete trust in the One who loves us and is over all. Like it says in Isaiah 26:3-4 (God’s Word), “With perfect peace you will protect those whose minds cannot be changed, because they trust you. Trust the Lord always, because the Lord, the Lord alone, is an everlasting rock.” The Lord is that solid place and we can completely trust Him for our well-being, for guidance, provision, and protection. He has told us to just ask of Him for anything we will ever need, for He hears and answers according to His perfect will.  That means we can live this day, and every day, in peace rather than thinking about what tomorrow holds and becoming anxious and fearful. No matter what is on the news, we can be in peace when for our minds are focused on Him.
Challenge for today: Ask the Holy Spirit to uncover any area of your life that causes you anxiety and give it all to Him in trust for He holds the future in His hand.  
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

October 7, 2022

Dear Ones,
  Happy weekend to you! It is especially happy as Bill who we have all been praying for, goes home early today with his new kidney. All is going well and we thank the Lord. This morning I cleaned the apt. and made chili and cookies. Tomorrow we go to a funeral in Remer and a wedding in Brookston so need to do get ready for that. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We all go through storms in life and times when we wonder, how long oh Lord. We wish for peaceful times and for days that are calm and without stress. But no matter how long there is darkness and storms, we can lean into the Lord and find hope.
   I just finished the book of Habakkuk and read how the prophet knew that his country was going to be invaded by Babylonia but he remained confident in the Lord. He said even if the crop fails and fields don’t produce, and no cattle in the stalls etc. yet he will rejoice in the Lord, He says, “The sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights.” (Hab. 3:19)
   No matter what we go through, we can be confident also, that we are in the Lord’s hands and He can lift us up to the heights. I want to challenge us when we go through dark times, loneliness and hardship, that instead of getting down, that we praise the Lord as Habakkuk. We don’t always feel like doing that but when we do, we find ourselves getting lifted right out of our pity pits and becoming hopeful and even joyful.
    Almost every time I go in the car alone to church and classes, I worship the Lord in song. I may not feel like that when I put my seat belt on, but by the time I get to my destination, my heart is full and I sense His presence with me. I often start singing the simple worship song, “I worship you Almighty God/ There is none like you/ I worship you O Prince of Peace/ That is what I want to do/ I give you praise for you are my righteousness/ I worship you almighty God/ There is none like you.”
  The enemy hates when we worship the Lord for He knows the Lord will give us hope and confidence in Him who is our Prince of Peace.
  Challenge for today: Find time in your day to worship the Lord and leave your problems in His hands.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

October 6, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall colors! Each day it gets more colorful out my window. Today is Donut day and I try to get downstairs early before the maple ones are gone! Emoji I plan to study and go to Aldi’s and then Bible Study and a beautiful walk on the trail. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  There are times to persist and there are times to let go we must listen to the Lord to know if it is His time to move on. Much of the time we need to hear words of encouragement to keep on and not to give up, but there are times that God will tell us enough!
  One day the diffuser for Al’s study just quit. It isn’t that old and once before it wouldn’t send out at mist, and we had called in and got directions of how to get it functioning again. So once again we decided to make a call and got someone difficult to understand. We tried to get it going with the directions we thought he was telling us but it didn’t work. We waited until evening and called for help again and got someone that spoke English well. But all that she told us to do, failed to work and although I tried again and again after we got off the phone, the diffuser was useless. We ended up getting a different one and are waiting for it to come. There came a point when enough was enough and I had to move on.
   It reminded me of other ways we need to let go, like in relationships. Maybe we have invested much time in a relationship that pulls us down, even though we have tried to help someone. A day may come when the Lord tells us to pray for the person but move on to others who are open and receptive. It could be we need to let go of a job that we’ve had for years and no longer challenges us and gets our juices going. The Lord may say, that He has something new for us, and we have to let go of the comfortable old.
  Isaiah says in Isaiah 43:19-20 (Message. “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. Its’ bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.”
  Let us not be held back by our past but let us have open eyes to what God has for us now and enter into the new things waiting for us. 
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to show you the things you are holding on to and let go.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

October 5, 2022

Dear Ones,
Another beautiful fall day and hope you are enjoying it. This morning I made Oh Henry Bars and did lots of food prep and am going to my exercise class. Hope to get a walk in and tonight we have Bible Study.
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
 When Jesus asks something of us, there is a cost involved; often it is giving up our own will and way in which He is going to bring something about, but other times He asks us to do things we feel are far beyond our capabilities. I think back on my life and often my initial response was, “You have to be kidding!” Or maybe, “No! Please choose someone else.” Then I had to wrestle with my thoughts and usually came around to do it, but with a reluctant heart. I’m not even sure if that is called obedience.
  Whenever we put something on the altar, we can be quite sure we will be tested on it. I can’t even imagine what Abraham went through when God told him to go to Mount Moriah and sacrifice his only son. His trust was in the Lord for he obeyed right away and brought the kindling along etc. He didn’t know how it was going to turn out but he did what God asked without buts and questioning. And God spared his son and provided a ram for him to sacrifice. Afterwards the Lord told him that because of his obedience He would bless him and give him offspring as the stars of heaven and all nations would be blessed through his offspring. That is such a perfect picture of obedience.
  As we grow in the Lord, there will always be more that we need to bring to the altar and surrender to Him. Not long ago I realized that I needed to give an area to my life that I was holding back on. As I surrendered it, I knew there would be a testing time which happened only two days later. What I was asked to do was not possible because of our schedule but I had time to say to the Lord, I am willing. Then a couple more days, the schedule was changed and I was able to say yes and do it with a willing heart.
   It is comforting for me to see in scripture that when God called people to do something quite out of the ordinary, their initial response was often fear. But if they obeyed anyway, they came to know the power of God and their lives were changed and empowered. Maybe we can relate to the farmer Gideon who was addressed as a man of valor before he had done anything extraordinary.  He asked for signs to confirm that God would be with him in the battle ahead but he obeyed.
 When we obey the Lord, we grow, we change, and we are on the way to defeat fear!
 Challenge for today: Ask the Lord if there is something He is prompting you to lay on the altar.   
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


October 4, 2022

Dear Ones,
  Hope you wake to a peacefilled day!  The question for this week is, What is the most encouraging word you have received that made a difference in your life?
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Haven’t we all had times when we have gotten a word of encouragement that changed our whole outlook? Maybe we were feeling down and wondering if we were going the right way or if our action helped or hindered someone etc. Then someone, perhaps a stranger, says something that lets us know that God is pleased and we are on the right path, and our world lights up.
   Recently, Al and I went to the mall to buy Al shoes and unknown to us beforehand, there were many vendors selling a variety of things, mostly what they had made. After we finished at the shoe store, Al offered to let me browse a bit while he headed to the car. There weren’t many people shopping at the time, and I put myself in the place of the vendors and thought they must be discouraged. I was prompted to speak honest complimentary remarks as I went by their displays. One woman had beautiful works of art and as I talked with her, she related that she was a retired nurse that had just found time now for her passion to paint. I encouraged her as she definitely had artistic talent, and her hubby’s chest also swelled with pride over her works. I bought something from her but as I left, I let her know that she has a wonderful gift she is pursuing. When I went home, I also felt uplifted inside for as we encourage others our own hearts are touched.
   Perhaps you read on Facebook the story of the three-year-old girl who befriended the garbage man and waited for his truck each week. She always waved at him and gave him a cupcake on her birthday, a thank you sign etc. and it made his day. Since then her kindness ended up getting publicity, and the garbage man won $400.000 on a show, goes on to be a realtor and is now a motivational speaker. Just one little girl made a difference.
    As Paul said in II Thessalonians. 2:16-17 (God’s Word), “God our Father loved us and by His kindness gave us everlasting encouragement and good hope. Together with our Lord Jesus Christ, may He encourage and strengthen you to do and say everything that is good.”
   As we have received encouraging words from the Lord and others, let us take time to thank Him and the people who have given us hopeful and heartening words to us.
   Challenge for today: Tell or text someone today and share how much their encouragement has meant to you. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy 

God’s Lawsuit

In Chapter 6 of Micah, the prophet is using legal language to portray a courtroom scene.  God is bringing a lawsuit against Israel. He instructs them, “Stand up and state your case against me” (6:1).   Israel put on trial before the watching world is, “epitomized in dramatic terms by its oldest inhabitants – the mountains and the hills – who have been silent witnesses to his dealings with people right from the beginning” (BST). 

“And now, O mountains, listen to the Lord’s complaint!  He has a case against his people.  He will bring charges against Israel” (6:2).  God is entering a charge.  Now Israel must bring its defense.  Earlier Micah had given a long list of their sins, but now the mood has changed.  God in his compassion addresses them as “his people” (v 3).  “The language here is personal and passionate, far more like a father’s plea to his child or a husband pleading with his wife” (BST). 

God is more concerned about restoring a relationship rather then listing all their shortcomings.  “O my people what have I done to you?  What have I done to make you tired of me? Answer me!” (v 3 ).  I can almost feel my mother in her loving discipline of me, asking “Alan, what have I done wrong that I should be treated in this manner.”  Like the Israelites, I could either shrug off my mother’s discipline or admit my fault.  God, as a loving father is asking his people to consider their rebellious attitude.  He is grieved over their behavior as his people.

God reminds them to remember all that He had done. “I brought you up out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery.  I sent Moses to lead you, also Aaron and Miriam.  My people remember what Balak king of Moab plotted and what Balaam son of Beor answered.  Remember your journey from Shittim to Gilgal, that you may know the righteous acts of the Lord” (v 4-5).  The Lord is imploring them to remember how he brought them out of Egypt, preserving and protecting them on their journey to the promised land.

I wonder –  have we forgotten the mighty acts of God in our day.  We may have failed as his people  and as a nation as well.  But, I contend, God’s favor has been upon us in many ways.  I wonder – is His hand of favor being lifted in our day.  When I survey the moral stance of our nation, is God asking, “Dear people, how have I done you wrong?  Have I burdened you, worn you out!  Answer!  

There has been a deliberate attempt to question and remove our Christian heritage.  But as believers we are to remember not only the goodness of God in our lives, but how his hand of favor has been upon our nation.  Woe to us, if we forget God. One lesson from Micah 6 is not to forget.  “When people refuse to see how fortunate they are and begin to take God’s gifts for granted, they become self-centered.” (Application Bible). 

Men, do not let the angry voices in our culture cause you to forget.  Remember to, “Keep all God’s salvation stories fresh and present” (6: 5 – MGS). Be eternally thankful for his goodness.  In our day, especially celebrate and be glad for the freedom you have enjoyed.  May it motivate you to take a stand for the Lordship of Jesus in our day. We all may be asked to pay a price for our stand.  If we don’t stand for what is right, who will?





October 3, 2022

Dear Ones
  Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Happy the Vikings won again!! This morning I did food prep and will soon make a quick trip to Aldi;s on my way to  exercise class. Tonight we have another party, Octoberfest with German dinner. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We are not called to be quitters who throw their hands in the air and say, “I’ve had enough. I’m done!”  When we know the Lord. we have the power of the Holy Spirit within us to spur us on and to help us persist to the desired end. We are often faced with challenging times and maybe we’d like to run away, but we need to be firm in our faith and hang in there. Endurance is something we all need if we are to stand strong, especially when it involves suffering on our part.
   We see today that so many people are giving up and relying on themselves rather than God. One area is in marriages that fall apart so quickly and brings the divorce rate soaring. We are invited to two weddings in October (another one postponed)  and it’s beautiful to see couples in love. I’m sure all couples start out with dreams and hopes but too often when problems arise, they quit working at the marriage and throw in the towel. Instead of putting the other before themself and dealing with the issues, they give up. How very sad!
   Yes, we all fail, at our jobs, marriages, parenting, etc. but that is not to say we should quit but rather call for God’s help and to get up again and go on. We can grow through those tough times if we don’t depend on ourselves but lean into the Lord. We were never meant to live life on our own but to entrust ourselves to Someone so much greater than we are. The Lord waits for us and we are never to give up on Him.
    King David knew what it was like to rely on the Lord, and yes, he blew it too; yet he knew where to go for help. He said in Psalm 31:23-24 (ESV), “Love the Lord, all you his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!”
   Let us not be those who quit when hit with challenging times, but ones that run to the Lord and get our help from Him!
Challenge for today: Don’t give up but give the Lord all that concerns you and watch what He will do. 
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy  

October 1, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! The leaves are just beginning to turn their fall colors out my window.  I just made S.F. cookies and cleaned the apartment. We need to shop for Al this afternoon and often he stops at Culver’s afterwards!Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Haven’t we all felt at times that we are entitled to justice when someone has done something to hurt us? We may even play the victim role and blame God for not being there in our pain.
  When we feel justified and focus on our pain of what someone else did, we will become bitter and find our heart gets left hardened. That is not a good place to be trapped, and it chokes out God’s grace and mercy.
   In essence we are saying that God why don’t you care and why don’t you deal with that person now and quit being so harsh with me. But the Jesus way is far different and He left us a powerful example from His own life. On the cross before taking His last breath, He asked His Father to forgive those who had crucified Him for they didn’t know what they were doing.   He forgave them even though they were not asking forgiveness and weren’t sorry at the time.
    We also are to embrace the cross and lay down our right to get even. That means a death to ourselves and canceling the debt of the ones who hurt us and putting it all in God’s hands. It’s not always easy to let go of that hurt and forgive them but we must remember all that God forgave us and we are also to show mercy to others. If we fail to forgive, we are like the slave in the story Jesus told, who was forgiven of his huge debt that he was unable to pay. But then this same slave would not forgive his fellow slave who also pleaded for mercy for his small debt, but instead threw him in prison. Aren’t we really just like him when we refuse to forgive? Like Paul said in Romans 2:4, “Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance and longsuffering (towards those who mistreat you), knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?”
     May we not only forgive but also go a step farther and ask God to bless them, and pray for their welfare. We can then set aside our judgments and let the Lord handle the whole thing.
  Challenge for today: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal those that you haven’t forgiven and then not only forgive them but ask God to bless them.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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