Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a peacefilled day! The question for this week is, What is the most encouraging word you have received that made a difference in your life?
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Haven’t we all had times when we have gotten a word of encouragement that changed our whole outlook? Maybe we were feeling down and wondering if we were going the right way or if our action helped or hindered someone etc. Then someone, perhaps a stranger, says something that lets us know that God is pleased and we are on the right path, and our world lights up.
Recently, Al and I went to the mall to buy Al shoes and unknown to us beforehand, there were many vendors selling a variety of things, mostly what they had made. After we finished at the shoe store, Al offered to let me browse a bit while he headed to the car. There weren’t many people shopping at the time, and I put myself in the place of the vendors and thought they must be discouraged. I was prompted to speak honest complimentary remarks as I went by their displays. One woman had beautiful works of art and as I talked with her, she related that she was a retired nurse that had just found time now for her passion to paint. I encouraged her as she definitely had artistic talent, and her hubby’s chest also swelled with pride over her works. I bought something from her but as I left, I let her know that she has a wonderful gift she is pursuing. When I went home, I also felt uplifted inside for as we encourage others our own hearts are touched.
Perhaps you read on Facebook the story of the three-year-old girl who befriended the garbage man and waited for his truck each week. She always waved at him and gave him a cupcake on her birthday, a thank you sign etc. and it made his day. Since then her kindness ended up getting publicity, and the garbage man won $400.000 on a show, goes on to be a realtor and is now a motivational speaker. Just one little girl made a difference.
As Paul said in II Thessalonians. 2:16-17 (God’s Word), “God our Father loved us and by His kindness gave us everlasting encouragement and good hope. Together with our Lord Jesus Christ, may He encourage and strengthen you to do and say everything that is good.”
As we have received encouraging words from the Lord and others, let us take time to thank Him and the people who have given us hopeful and heartening words to us.
Challenge for today: Tell or text someone today and share how much their encouragement has meant to you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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