Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: June 2022 (Page 3 of 3)

June 10, 2022

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you and may you take time to enjoy some time to be refreshed. I had an audiologist appointment early this morning with hopes to hear better. Made a G.F. cake and Al and I are going to sample it now.Emoji
Enjoyed our Women’s Bible study last night on Women of the Bible and over 20 showed up. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  It’s wonderful to be able to connect with God any time day or night as He is always available and never too busy to listen to what is on our hearts. Plus, we can talk to Him about anything and everything and know that He truly cares. Maybe a best friend in our lives gives us a small indication of what it is like to be cared for like that, but the Lord surpasses all others in loving us and being there for us in every situation.
  The challenge is for all of us to take to heart is to live in the awareness of His presence from the time we get up in the morning and throughout the day and at night. God promised Joshua, after Moses died, that He would be with him always just as he was with Moses, and never leave him. He said in Joshua 1:9 (ESV), “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” That means He was going to be with him 24/7! That is the same for us so why do we not always live in the awareness of His presence?
  We can try to be more cognizant of the Lord with us by talking to Him before we even get up. We can greet Him and give Him our day and ask for His help and direction for it says in Psalm 139:16 that our days were written in His book before they happen. So, He has the plan for our day and we can share with Him as we walk out the day. If I am alone in the car or apartment, I often talk out loud to Him and may even sing. But it helps all of us to keep acknowledging Him and have ongoing conversations with Him throughout our day, and express gratitude.
  The Lord doesn’t leave us so He is always there and talking with Him often helps keep us in tune with Him. I find that as I do this more and more, my days become richer, even if I am doing something routine and mundane.
  Why not start your day out upon waking, intentionally sharing everything with the Lord
  Challenge for today: Thank God for His presence and His love with you every hour on the hour today.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


June 9, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying a beautiful day. I made a new recipe and hope we like it since it turned out to be enough for 3 meals! I went downstairs for Donut Day and this afternoon we have Bible Study. Tonight is Women’s Bible Study and we are beginning a new study on Women of the Bible. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   The words of forgiveness are like the sweetest music ever to our ears. When we have sinned and know we are guilty and do not excuse ourselves, what can be better than to hear the words that we are now forgiven, Psalm 130:4 says, “With you is forgiveness, and on this we live.”
   We all need forgiveness, time and time again and God delights in forgiving. As Peter van Breemen’s said in his book, The God Who Won’t Let Go,” Forgiveness is the completion of love. In forgiveness love reaches its utmost purity, depth and strength; and in this way, forgiveness generates new life.”
   When we fail to ask forgiveness, our spirit diminishes and we become spiritually sick. We are all in need of forgiveness over and over again because we sin daily, if not in deed, we sin in our thoughts and words.
   Breemen brings out something that I had not thought of before. He uses several stories that depict the joy of the Father who forgives, like the prodigal son who left home and ended up in the pig pen. Jesus doesn’t say how that prodigal felt coming home and getting a robe, a ring and a feast…. he only says how much joy that Father had that His son was home. It’s really a parable of the merciful forgiving father.
   I remember the joy I felt when one of our kids was young and came to me while I was studying; he confessed something he had done. He came several times as he would remember something else, and each time I shared with him that He was forgiven. I felt great joy that he was getting a clear conscience and set free.  
   The Father never coerces us but leaves us free to accept His love and forgiveness. Like the prodigal we must come to the place where we know we have sinned and then confess it to the Lord and experience freedom in forgiveness. We see the joy of the Father as an expression of His love for us for He finds joy in showing mercy to us.
   When we confess our sins Breemen says there is double joy. First that we have the joy of relief that we have finally confessed. Then we have the joy with which God forgives and invites us into to…the joy of the Lord which is our strength and our song!
   Let us not hold on to those sins that bind us up, but freely confess them to the Lord and experience His forgiveness, love and joy.
   Challenge for today: Bring the broken pieces of your life before the Lord and ask Him to forgive you and to restore the joy of your salvation.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

June 8, 2022

Dear Ones,
  Hope you are having a peacefilled day! The sun is shining and the flowers planted in view from my window are growing. Today I made G.F Choc chip cookies and went to Aldi and to my exercise class. This afternoon is Crafts and time for a walk, and each day we see more wildflowers blooming. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Christian community is a wonderful gift from the Lord and it is an opportunity to grow and to say Yes to God and no to self-will over and over again. It is also a chance to learn from others and to let ourselves be known, Is it easy? No! It often entails submitting to others who we may wonder if they have our best in mind.
   In community we can’t all do whatever we please or it would be chaotic, so we need some kind of necessary authority. I think of our apartment complex as community, although we each have a separate space, as well as, communal space. That means we must think of others and their needs and not just our own. We are to be respectful and quiet when others are meeting.
   Community is built on self-denial. It’s not all about us, but what we can give. That means welcoming others, affirming them, listening to them and becoming forgetful of self. That is especially important at church when we gather as the Body of Christ. If we just join with certain people and ignore others, what does that say about the inclusiveness of His Body? We are all needed and no one individual has everything all together. We need one another.  We are incomplete without others.
   We must learn to be gracious givers but also receivers, willing to be loved as much as to love, learn to give apologies, as well as to receive apologies. Some in community are not willing to be known and that is sad for they don’t grow in self-awareness and may not see their deficiencies and opportunities around them to grow. None of us have it all together but together we have it all!!
   We need to be humble and recognize our need for others. We don’t all see accurately, nor do we really know how we come across to others. We need to be teachable and learn from interactions with others. That means we let them into our lives and to look around and listen to them. They see us as we are and we share our lives together.
   Let us use our gifts for others and seek to glorify the Lord as we live together in fellowship. As in the early church it says in Acts 4:43 (Amplified), “And all those who had believed [in Jesus as Savior] were together and had all things in common [considering their possessions to belong to the group as a whole].”
   Challenge for today: Open yourself up to others in community and be welcoming to all.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



June 7, 2022

Dear Ones
Hope you wake to a day full of joy. 
Question for today: What plans do you have for the summer or a long range wish to accomplish? 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  It appears that fear is griping the hearts of so many today as reports come forth of food shortages, cost of living increases, wars breaking out seemingly everywhere etc.: but as children of God, we need not fear. We have a God that sees it all and is all powerful, all knowing and all wise, no matter what happens in our world!
   The enemy wants us to swallow his bait which is fear and discouragement. People who go around fearful aren’t a threat to him, but rather those who call his bluff and know that God is powerful and in control.
   We can read examples in scripture when the odds were so against God’s people and yet they won the victory, sometimes without doing anything but calling on the Lord. The Old Testament  is full of stories of victories like simply marching around Jericho and with a shout, watching the walls simply fall down. Some victories were by setting ambushes, or the enemy hearing bad reports and returning home without fighting. God uses so many ways. Our part is to listen to His strategy and to do what He says in each instance.
  I just read of Caleb who was one of the 12 spies sent in to spy out the land of the giants. Eleven spies came back fearful and gave a bad report; the people became fearful, grumbled and wept, wanting to go back into bondage again rather than face their fears. But Caleb stood firm and he said in Numbers 13:30 (NIV), ”We should go up and take possession of the land for we can certainly do it.” He knew where the power was coming from to defeat the enemy.
   What about us? The enemy today wants us to fear but God has given us so many promises to let us know His hand is always with us. Let us come into agreement with His promises and unite with others in the Body of Christ. Like God says in Isaiah 43:1b-2a  ”Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.”
  Challenge for today: Refuse the enemy’s bait of fear and rehearse God’s promises.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



June 6, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a good weekend. We were so blessed yesterday by seeing lots of family that we haven’t seen for a few years as we went to the funeral of my cousin’s son who died at 50 years of age. Even Jeff’s brothers never heard him complain but always thought of others before himself. This morning I made bars and did food prep and went to my exercise class. It’s a beautiful sunny day and will enjoy our walk later. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
 Are you a rule follower or a rule breaker? A friend in our apt. and I go to exercise classes and we follow our instructor as she leads us in various routines and workouts. Sometimes she calls attention to Lynn and me, and says we are the only one getting it right. Then she said, “I can bet you followed all the rules when you were in school too!” Everyone in class makes fun of us in a jesting way! But let us not go overboard about rules.
  Life isn’t all about rules for we cannot gain salvation by trying to keep all the commandments; we know that the Pharisees tried hard to keep them and even added to them. But Jesus had some harsh words for them for He knew their hearts. On the other hand, even though King David at times broke the rules (and had some hard consequences), he was spoken of as a man after God’s heart.
   God is more concerned about our heart motive than our efforts to keep the rules. Juliet Canha, minister and counselor, writes, “Love is the rule! Sometimes we might have to break man’s rules to obey the will of God-which is the higher law of love.” Jesus touched a leper, healed on the Sabbath, ate with sinners etc. But though he broke cultural rules he offered grace and met the needs of the people and loved them
   Juliet asks the question if we are more afraid of breaking the rules or failing to love people? If we are to love others as Jesus did, it will cost us for we may need to break some social and cultural rules to reach them. I remember people in one of our churches, asking me why I would help this poor family that was coming to the church as they were looked down upon.
   Jesus answered the Pharisees when they asked him which was the greatest commandment and put it in a nutshell when He said, we are to love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbor as ourselves.” (Matt. 22:37-40) May we love like Jesus, even when it means breaking social and cultural rules!
   Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you see beyond the rules and offer His grace and love to others.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy




Recently, I was struck by a blog from Glenn Stanton at Focus on the Family titled “Fatherhood: The Core of the Universe.”  “Fatherhood is a deeply precious and sacred thing for the Christian,” writes Stanton. “‘Father’ is not just a role that God took on in order to tell His story.  It is who He is.  Fatherhood is the very core of the universe, because it is the very center and fount of all reality.  Fatherhood is the original and most fundamental nature of God.”

Stanton goes on to make an observation that I believe men need to hear:  “And this…is why human fatherhood is under such vicious attack today in our culture.  Why the father wound is so real and devastating.  Satan knows all too well what fatherhood represents, and he hates it.”

I embrace the eternal truth of God as Father being the core of the universe.  In my early forties I had to come to terms with God as my father.  I had a broken image of my heavenly Father because my relationship with my own dad was broken and distorted.  Through a spiritual, emotional, and mental struggle I eventually came to embrace the truth that I have a Father in heaven who delights in me.  That was revolutionary for me.

I have marveled at the truth that God is the core of ultimate reality.  While Genesis declares, “In the beginning,” there already was from eternity a Father who was love, a Son begotten in love and the Holy Spirit, the manifestation of love.  Stanton adds that “ultimate reality is not dark, void and impersonal, but intensely personal, inherently, and passionately intimate.” 

God is relational – and he desires deeper relationship with each of us.  Jesus taught us to pray, “Our Father in heaven…” Matt. 6:9).  I rejoice in Jesus words: “If you really know me, you will know my Father as well” (John 14:7).  Put simply, “God is love” (I John 4:8).  John goes on to say, “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (I John 4:10).  

So, I challenge you to be countercultural in affirming with Stanton that God is the ultimate core of reality.  Make this the basis of your life.  

First, picture God as your Father.  See yourself as a dependent child before your heavenly Father.  “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 18:3).

Second, embrace deeper relationship with your heavenly Father.  Here is a suggestion: visualize your heavenly Father “running” to you – like the father in Luke 15:20.  He is waiting for you.    

Third, be a loving earthly father, even as you discipline your own children and try to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  Don’t exasperate them – and seek their forgiveness when you fail (Heb.12:5-6; Eph. 6:4; James 5:16).

Fourth, be open to being a father figure to others who have deep father wounds.  In my opinion, the greatest need in your nation is for godly fathers.   Allow Paul to be your exemplar. “For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children…” (I Thess. 2:11). 

Let the words of the Psalmist encourage you: “Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord: ‘The Lord looked down from his sanctuary on high, from heaven he viewed the earth, to hear the groans of the prisoners and release those condemned to death'”  (Ps. 102:18-20).



June 4, 2022

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! Bright sunshine again and a beautiful day! I was busy in my kitchen this morning and made egg dishes and a stir fry with steak and veggies, and Choc chip cookies. Lars and Ann were here yesterday afternoon and sent them home with the S.F. cookies I had on hand. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Sometimes a writer seems to capture the message we want to say to the Lord only we can’t seem to find the words. While reading author Rebecca Barlow Jordon recently, her prayer is something I want to pray not just today, but often to begin my day with joy and purpose… maybe you will too and here is part of it:
   “Lord, I worship you today and want to give you praise for another day of life. As I begin to think about your amazing grace and for all you have done on my behalf, I am overwhelmed with joy. Your love draws me into your sweet presence the moment my eyes open…
This morning I offer back to you this day and my life as a gift of gratitude…. Write on my heart the lessons you want to teach me today. Fill my mouth with your words and thoughts, not mine. I long to live this day for you, with my affections set on things above, not focusing on worries here on earth…. Some days I feel like I have so little to offer; yet you know my heart. You created me, and you love me just as I am. You require nothing from me but faith,  because your love is a gift with no strings attached. I can’t earn it, and I can’t buy it. But, Lord, out of a deep love for you, I desire to live for you today in such a way that encourages others. I want to bless you as well as those who cross my path….
So accept my morning offering prayer today, Lord. May my life be a sweet fragrance to you, as I seek to follow you, to love you with all my heart, soul, and mind, and to love others as myself.….Order my steps today; guard my thoughts; and bathe my actions with thoughtfulness and goodness, so others can see your reflection in me. I trust you; I wait for you, and I listen for your voice. Your strength is all I need. With eagerness, I begin this day and offer my life to live for you, any way you want.
In Jesus name, Amen.”
Challenge for today: Pray this prayer tomorrow morning before beginning your day!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


June 3, 2022

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! It is windy and a little cool but so nice to have the sunshine! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. This morning I did food prep, made bars and cleaned the apartment. This afternoon we are invited to friends for coffee and fellowship. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Aren’t we glad our lives aren’t run by our feelings?  If they were, so many things would never get done. Many children would be sent to school without breakfast for mom felt she would rather stay in bed longer than to get up and fix the kids something nourishing. Or what if we wake up waiting to see how we feel today before we determine what to do with our day? One mom told me she would wait to see if she felt like it would be a good day and then decide what she would do, based on her feelings. Most days she did not feel like cooking or cleaning up the house so she lived according to her feelings and her family paid the consequences too. Play that out in the work world and we wouldn’t last long at our job!
   Much of our everyday lives, involves managing our feelings and emotions and rising above them and not letting them control us. Often, we have to make decisions that may be hard ones and we would really rather not do what is placed before us. But we have a sense that God is asking something of us, and He will give us the strength and will to go beyond our feelings and actually do it. I find that true and afterwards I feel such peace that I acted, and didn’t rely on my negative feelings.
   Or maybe we are tempted in an area and we feel we have no control but to give in to our strong feelings. That is a lie from the enemy and God’s power rises above our fickle feelings.
   It says in II Sam, 22:33-34 (God’s Word), “ God arms me with strength. His perfect way sets me free. He makes my feet like those of a deer and gives me sure footing on high places.” He will give us power to do the right thing, and we can feel like that deer jumping in those high places and landing firmly, if we don’t cave in to our feelings. Feelings come and go and of course the enemy loves to use them to pander to our own ways rather than doing what God has in store. But God will give us His power to act in alignment with His will rather than our feelings. Our strength is in the Lord and let us hold onto His promises to get us through those tough times when we have to move against our feelings and do His best.
  Challenge for today: Rehearse God’s promises and rise above your feelings.
Blessings on  your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

June 2, 2022

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the day! Nice and sunny and everything is so green. I made choc covered raspberries today and S.F. Choc chip cookies and went downstairs for donuts. Al went to mens’ group and this afternoon will lead our Bible study here. 
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
  How do we prepare for our Homecoming? It’s a question to ask ourselves as one day our earthly life will be over and we will be going to our forever home that is even now being readied for us. But how do we prepare for we don’t know when that day will come? It came quickly for my cousin’s son Jeff who recently was diagnosed with cancer and shortly after went home to the Lord at only 50 years of age.
  Of course, that day is coming for each of us and Al and I are doing some physical preparations like prepaying our funeral expenses, writing down what we would like done at our funeral services etc. But more importantly it is how we are preparing spiritually and how are we living our lives today, in light of what is awaiting us?
  Whenever we go on a trip it isn’t long before there is anticipation of getting home again. Sometimes Al and I allow taking 3 days getting home from a long trip, but usually as we travel we shorten it to 2 in our eagerness to get home again. I wonder if we have a longing for eternity with the Lord and live each day with that in view. It is easy to get bogged down in earthly responsibilities and problems and fail to remember that this is all temporary. We need not let those heavy things color our mindset but let them be opportunities to help us grow stronger and more dependent on the Lord.
 It is important preparation that we spend time in His presence and His Word more than finding out what is on Facebook or messages on our phones. As it says in Psalm 43:4 “Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God.”  As we worship him and delight in His presence our earthly life becomes like a dress rehearsal for worship in heaven!
 We can also prepare by growing in our love for Him, obeying Him, humbly serving others and sharing how they too can spend eternity with the Lord. 
  One day we will see Him face to face and all our sorrows here on earth will be erased for we are Home with Him forever.
  Challenge for today: Make preparations for your Homecoming. 
Blessings and prayers and love, Judy

June 1, 2022

Dear Ones,
 Happy day as the sun is shining again and hoping you are enjoying the day. This morning I made a veggie stir fry, went to Aldi’s and my exercise class. This afternoon is crafts and tonight is Bible study with video from Max Lacado. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Where do we seek encouragement and hope when things seem to be falling apart? Do we find it in confiding in a friend? Or calling our pastor? Or reading a self-help book? Yes, it is good to get empathy and words of encouragement from others but if we don’t go to the Lord, we can still be left feeling lost and alone when they are not around.
   In one of our previous churches, we had a young mother who would come to Ladies class and take up group time sharing alot about things she was worried about, especially in her family. She got encouragement from others but it never seemed to stick. So I asked her to come early each week and then just spent a few minutes praying for her and pointing her to the Lord for His help. It makes such a difference when we go to the Source. He stands beside us always and our hope is in Him.
   Mark Roberts from Fuller Seminary has been writing about Lamentations which is a book of sorrow and laments of all that is happening around Jeremiah. He was called the weeping prophet and wept as he saw how God’s people had turned away from God and rejected Him. Jeremiah says he feels attacked and homeless; his soul is bowed down and he lacks peace and hope. Doesn’t sound like a good place to be and maybe you have felt like that at times when life seems to be caving in and you have lost your hope and strength.
   But then Jeremiah calls to mind God’s steadfast love and becomes a man of hope. He says in Lam 3:21-23 (God’s Word), “The reason I can still find hope is that I keep this one thing in mind: the Lord’s mercy. We are not completely wiped out. His compassion is never limited. It is new every morning. His faithfulness is great. My soul can say, “The Lord is my lot in life. That is why I find hope in Him.”
   Whenever we may feel hopeless and sad, let us remember God’s mercy and hope in Him!
   Challenge for today: Bring all your sorrows before the Lord and then recount His mercy to you and hope again in Him.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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