Dear Ones
Hope you wake to a day full of joy. 
Question for today: What plans do you have for the summer or a long range wish to accomplish? 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  It appears that fear is griping the hearts of so many today as reports come forth of food shortages, cost of living increases, wars breaking out seemingly everywhere etc.: but as children of God, we need not fear. We have a God that sees it all and is all powerful, all knowing and all wise, no matter what happens in our world!
   The enemy wants us to swallow his bait which is fear and discouragement. People who go around fearful aren’t a threat to him, but rather those who call his bluff and know that God is powerful and in control.
   We can read examples in scripture when the odds were so against God’s people and yet they won the victory, sometimes without doing anything but calling on the Lord. The Old Testament  is full of stories of victories like simply marching around Jericho and with a shout, watching the walls simply fall down. Some victories were by setting ambushes, or the enemy hearing bad reports and returning home without fighting. God uses so many ways. Our part is to listen to His strategy and to do what He says in each instance.
  I just read of Caleb who was one of the 12 spies sent in to spy out the land of the giants. Eleven spies came back fearful and gave a bad report; the people became fearful, grumbled and wept, wanting to go back into bondage again rather than face their fears. But Caleb stood firm and he said in Numbers 13:30 (NIV), ”We should go up and take possession of the land for we can certainly do it.” He knew where the power was coming from to defeat the enemy.
   What about us? The enemy today wants us to fear but God has given us so many promises to let us know His hand is always with us. Let us come into agreement with His promises and unite with others in the Body of Christ. Like God says in Isaiah 43:1b-2a  ”Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.”
  Challenge for today: Refuse the enemy’s bait of fear and rehearse God’s promises.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy