Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: October 2021 (Page 2 of 3)

October 19, 2021

Devotions from Judy’s heart
We are all called to community life when we know the Lord and through it we experience more of the fullness of His love for us and for one another. What a witness it is to the world when they see Christians getting along and caring for one another, helping one another in our brokenness, and living together in harmony. Paul says in I Cor. 12: 25-26 (ESV), “that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” That sounds like a lot of vulnerability and the Body is a place for healing to happen as we become more whole.
Friends of ours lived in community for years and that meant accepting group standards and goals and doing a whole lot of dying to self. Even though we may not choose to be part of monastic life or some community experience of living together as they did, we are still to be part of a community where we can give and receive love, where we get healing for our wounds, where we learn to serve and be served.
Michael Casey, a monk in Australia, writes about what it means to renounce self-will and our narcissistic egocentric attitudes that keep people apart and keep us from living from our deep center. God calls us all to no longer live for ourselves but for Him and for others. Casey said that it may show up in letting our selfishness being replaced by sensitivity, conflict replaced with harmony, stalemate replaced by dialogue, obstinacy being replaced by adaptability, aggression replaced by patience etc. Within the church and other fellowship groups it will mean doing lots of listening on our part and trying to hear where the other person is coming from, even welcoming our differences. Respect is necessary especially when our views differ and we are to be polite and courteous without pushing our preferences.
All of us have been given gifts to be used for life in community and to share them and use them for His glory. We don’t need to be envious of other’s gifts but delight in them and also accept our own to be used to benefit others. Gifts that are given by the Lord belong to us all.
Yes, community is challenging, but perhaps it is the gift that most helps us grow deeply in our relationship to the Lord and what demonstrates to the world of His love.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you be a loving open member of His community of love. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

October 18, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are enjoying the beauty of Fall. This morning I did food prep and made a  casserole to share and  also went to my exercise class. 
Wasn’t that a great win yesterday by the Vikings in overtime?! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
A close friend sent me a newsy e-mail to catch me up on her life and family; she ended it with a remark that my daily devotionals were upbeat but asked the question, “Do you ever have a down day?” It started me thinking of what makes for a good outlook on the day in contrast to one that is dark and negative. I’m sure all of us approach each day differently, depending on our background, personality, gifting, present circumstances and walk with the Lord; but it’s important how we start our day.
I wake up quite early each day, and view it as a new day of grace, acknowledging that the Lord is in control. I often talk with the Lord before I get out of bed and ask what is on His agenda. (Also, what he would have me write about) I usually have a mental list of what I would like to accomplish but I also know His list is far more important. I love to have my own quiet time with the Lord before I rouse Al and I try to pay attention if there is a special word for me for that day. The Lord knows what is coming and it is amazing to me how a scripture may be exactly what I need. Al and I have a prayer time together and then more time alone with the Lord before jumping into our day. If you have young children your day will look different but God is listening to those hurried prayers that are prayed while getting the kids off to school and settling disputes etc.
Of course, with any of us, our day may not be all roses, and things come up that test us and challenge us.  It is most important that we keep our focus on the Lord throughout the day, and share with Him, especially when we hit those speed bumps! My confession to you is that when I hit computer problems and need tech help I can get frustrated. Al will confirm that!
If our day seems dreary, we might put on praise music. If it is bleak rainy day, we may bake something and enjoy the wonderful aroma that fills the house. If we seem caught up in negative thoughts, it helps to think of others and find a way to serve someone else.
Paul wrote in I Cor. 16:13 (The Message), “Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you’ve got, be resolute, and love without stopping.” Let us seize the day, hold fast to the Lord, and express love to Him and to others; then even on dark trying days, we can have expectations of good.
Challenge for today: Explore what helps you to be upbeat and view your day on a positive note.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


Don’t call it a “Conspiracy”

Because of his message of non-involvement with the superpower Assyria, the prophet Isaiah was considered treasonous by the people of Judah. He chose, however, not to get political during a time of deep and divided political intrigue. He was simply God’s prophet proclaiming God’s word to the nation of Judah.  God warned the people in Is. 8:12 not to get involved with conspiracy theories. “Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.” The Message says, “Don’t be like this people, always afraid somebody is plotting against them.” Wow! Is that a relevant warning for our day! 

Remember: when God was looking for a spokesperson, Isaiah responded, “Here am I. Send me!” (Is. 6:8).  But here, God was firm with Isaiah – and it seems He meant business. The Message tells us, “God spoke strongly to me, grabbed me with both hands and warned me not go along with this people” (8:11). Isaiah may have been influenced by the events of his day.  Perhaps he had started believing some of the rumors he’d heard. 

The NIVZSB gives this insight about Is. 8:11-13: “Two different understandings of history: (1) Give God the central place that only the Holy One must have, or (2) explain historical events as the result of human conspiracy, with the constant dread of the unknown that this view engenders.”  The NET Bible speculates the conspiracy might have been the alliance between Israel and Syria. “Some of the people may even have thought that individuals in Judah were plotting with Israel and Syria to overthrow the king.” The NLT Study Bible notes, “People regarded Isaiah’s message of non-involvement with Assyria as treasonous, part of a conspiracy…What frightens them was the alliance of Syria and Israel attacking Judah.” 

Isaiah exhorted the people to listen to the Lord of Heaven’s armies: “He is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread” (Is. 8:13 – emphasis mine).  Isaiah goes on the say, “He will keep you safe.  But to Israel and Judah he will be a stone that makes people stumble, a rock that makes them fall, and for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare” (Is. 8:14).   

Peter picks up on this passage in I Peter 2:4-8.  He describes Jesus as a “living Stone” and those chosen by God to be “living stones” used to build a spiritual house, “to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (v. 5).  Quoting Isaiah 28:16 Peter declares, “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame” (v. 6).  Then he adds, “This stone is precious…But to those who do not believe…a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall” (vv. 7-8).  “They stumble,” declares Peter, “because they disobey the message – which is also what they were destined for” (v. 8). 

The implication for us as followers of Jesus is to examine our dedication to Jesus, our “chosen and precious cornerstone.”  As “living stones” we are to trust that Jesus is the key to what God is building by his Spirit. We are warned that unbelief will cause us to stumble and fall.  Men, make Jesus your “cornerstone.”  Measure all you do both within and outside the church by your commitment to him.  In these passages God gives us fair warning of the deadly consequences of not keeping our eyes fixed firmly on Jesus.  

October 16, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this weekend and all the fall colors. The temperature is cooler but so nice to see the sun again.  Soon I must get busy and get out our winter clothes. This morning I am getting ready for a special friend coming shortly and can’t wait! Emoji 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Are we prepared for Jesus coming again? Are we eagerly waiting and readying ourselves? Each day we are a day closer to His coming, whether it be by His Second Coming or whether it is our time and He takes us home to be with Him forever.
As I write this I am very excited as I got a call last night from a dear sister in the Lord who is coming today. I haven’t seen her for some time and although we e-mail frequently, it’s nothing like seeing her in person. She is driving with her nieces all the way from Des Moines, IO to Baxter, MN ! She doesn’t know the exact time they will arrive but I want to be home and ready with table set to dine together and have sweet fellowship.
It makes me aware of how we need to be spiritually getting ready for the Lord’s coming. We begin by opening our hearts each day to have fellowship with Him, reading the Word, listening to His voice, and making room in our schedules for doing what He asks of us.
We must guard against growing lukewarm and getting so busy with other things that our desire becomes no longer for Him. Every day the Lord comes knocking as it says in Rev. 3:20 (NRSV), “Listen, I’m standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.” He doesn’t force His way but waits for us.  Will we respond with anticipation and joy and quickly open the door? If we do, He comes in and fills our empty places with a beautiful fragrance. He brings healing and wholeness to us and fills us with His love.
Let us not hold back and ignore the ways the Lord comes knocking, but open wide to Him with a receptive heart. Who knows, if today is the day He comes again or if it is our last day on earth?
Challenge for today: Tell the Lord He is welcome in the home of your heart and open wide to Him. 
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

October 15, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! It seems more like fall now with the crisp temperatures. This morning I cleaned our apartment and took a friend to the Dollar Store to start buying things for Operation Christmas. This afternoon I am going shopping with Al as we got only as far as Culver’s yesterday!Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
It’s easy to quit when the going gets rough, but it takes courage and perseverance to keep on and not give up. We live in a culture that says to do whatever makes us happy and if our needs aren’t met, to just quit! I’m sure we have all been guilty of being a quitter and not carrying through with something that was difficult. Children often quit in the middle of the game if they know they are losing. Teens may quit simply because the job is not very exciting but hard work and would rather have a cushy one. Or adults quit when they think they can’t stand one more day of a demanding boss or just bored with their spouse. 
Perhaps all of us think more of our own needs and feeling good, rather than contributing and serving others. But I read the scripture today from Galatians 6:9-10 (The Message) where Paul says, “So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get a chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.”
I  read an article recently by Tiffany Thibault, an author and Bible Study leader, who writes about not growing weary.  In whatever situation we are in, we are not to give up but keep doing good to everyone God puts in our path. For all of us that will look different and maybe today it is something simple as making a meal, sending a card, praying for a person, giving a compliment, or just listening to another.
God wants to work through us and we may not always feel like giving out, but often our own concerns are lightened even as we do good. I liked Tiffany’s prayer that we may want to pray before starting our day.
“Dear Lord,
Thank you that you are in my life, that you are working in all my situations today. Please give me the strength that I need to be able to do good to everyone that I will encounter today. Help me to reflect your goodness to those around me. Help me to see opportunities where I can be the good today to whoever needs it. Help me to not focus on what I think I need, but to see that you have placed me right where I am today so that I can do good to someone. Help me to trust you as I encounter those difficult people, and show me how to do good to them. Lord, give me strength to not grow weary in doing good. In your name I pray, Amen.”
Let us be willing to let God use us to bring good to others!
Challenge for today: Ask God to work through you to do good to someone in your path today.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

October 14, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day on this rainy day. This morning I did food prep and shopped at Aldi’s and went downstairs for donuts. This afternoon is our Bible Study here at Northern Lakes and then we plan to do some shopping. Not sure if we will be walking outside or down in the underground garage. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Temptation comes to all of us and it is not something we enjoy but have to stand against. Just because we are tempted doesn’t mean we are weak or have done something wrong. In fact, it can mean the opposite for the enemy doesn’t care so much about tempting a person whom he already seems to have won, but tries to get those who love the Lord to trip up and fall. Satan’s way is to deceive us in any way he can and he wants us to doubt that he even exists. But he is a liar and the father of all lies. He tries to put thoughts in our minds that God is holding out on us. Remember how he tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden and said, “Did God actually say you shall not eat of the tree in the garden?” She took the bait and also Adam and they ate the fruit and ended up being escorted out of the beautiful garden to work the ground. When we fall for Satan’s tactics, we also suffer loss.
There are some things we can do that help us stand against the enemy. We need to be on guard against him and put on the armor of God. We can also do things to deepen our relationship with the Lord by reading the Word, obeying, praying, worshiping, sharing him with others etc. It is helpful to memorize scripture so we can defeat him with the Word of God like Jesus did.  Some Christians make themselves accountable to another believer so that when tempted they may call and ask for prayer and counsel. There are instances when we may need to actually remove ourself from the tempting situation, much like Paul says to Timothy 2:22 (ESV), “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” 
Even as as I wrote this last night, I was tempted to quit writing, and the enemy told me I  had a busy day and just do it another time… plus there was a good movie on!
I could hardly believe it, but suddenly the first half of this devotional just simply disappeared and I was not able to get it back. I had to start all over again. The enemy knows our weak areas and what areas frustrate us and he tries to sabotage us. Let us not give in to the enemy for when we do, in even a small area, it becomes easier the next time. But, there is grace when we seek to love and obey the Lord and to resist the enemy’s tactics. Let us walk in the grace and strength He wants to give us.
Challenge for today: Be on guard against the enemy’s tactics and ask for God’s escape plan each time when tempted.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

October 13, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this rainy day, even though you may not see the sun. This morning I made bars and roasted acorn squash and went to my exercise class. This afternoon is craft time and tonight is Bible Study at church so this rainy day is full!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
We live in a world today of a multitude of words and many feel they are not valued if someone isn’t calling them or texting them. People have the T.V. blaring all day long and even when driving somewhere the music is loudly playing. However, if you would drop by to our apartment, you would find it very quiet, as both Al and I live a rather contemplative life. Our T.V doesn’t come on until the news at 5 and the rest of the time we practice a quiet and reflective life. Al spends many hours in his study, reading and writing and I love to work and write from my desk in our bedroom. Then when we eat meals and go for our walks we catch up and have time to share and talk the whole way.
But no matter if we are an introvert or extrovert, we need times of silence so we get to know the Lord in deeper ways and also know ourselves. It says in Luke 6:45b (ESV), “For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” What is inside usually comes out eventually in a variety of ways. Our words often surprise us and show us what is buried in our hearts that we haven’t allowed others to see, and maybe have never admitted to ourself. Haven’t we all seen times when important respected people don’t know that they have not been disconnected from the sound system and what comes out of their mouths for us to hear may be very disappointing.
But if we set aside our words and have times of quiet, we are able to listen closely, letting the Holy Spirit speak into our lives and 
getting in touch with things the Lord wants to change in our hearts. Otherwise, we end up living our life on the surface and get distracted, and fail to see the areas that need change.
Let us have times of silence and pay attention to our interior life, a life to be lived for God. 
Challenge for today: Try to use less words and seek to hear what God is saying to you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

October 12, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a beautiful day and anticipate the things the Lord has planned for you. If you didn’t have to do any work today, what would give you pleasure? 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
There are many people today that have heavy work schedules and live very busy active lives that often leave them exhausted. But everyone needs some time of leisure, a time of recuperation and to find ourselves. I was reading the chapter on leisure in Michael Casey’s book, Grace on the Journey to God, and leisure seems like something we all should have in our schedules. Some think of it only as downtime and may get involved in so much activity that it is more tiring than their work. But I read today from Mark 6:31 (ESV) Jesus words to his disciples, “And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”  We also need to have leisure time to lose ourselves in activities that give us space and unhurried time to quiet down and simply be ourselves. It could be we turn to music, or poetry, art, writing, sports etc.  When we become fully involved in what we are focused on, we will find fulfillment and enjoyment; it often leaves us feeling refreshed as we express ourselves in creative ways and our hearts get renewed.
As I read about Leisure time, I recognize that I like to cook and make up recipes and I have such a willing hubby that loves to sample them. But I also like to paint and make greeting cards to send and yet I haven’t taken out my paints since we moved here to Northern Lakes. Maybe we think we are wasting time when we take time out to do enjoyable creative leisure things, but there is more to life than making money or hurrying about.
Casey wrote, “Leisure is purposeful and personal activity that aspires to be marked by flow… It is, above all, being attentive to the present moment, open to all its implications, living it to the full.” Perhaps it is more important to do a few things well, and being fully present with time left over to be reflective. When we visit a monastery gift store, their handmade items seem special to us as the monks put their whole self and concentration into the quality of their work. It is quite different from when we multitask and settle for so much less. When we are fully engaged, we will find that time seems to fly and we discover more of our true selves. It also helps us be open more to others, to listen, and make space to grow. Let us not neglect leisure in our lives!
Challenge for today: Make room in your life for some leisure time this week.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



October 11, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Yesterday we had a guest speaker, Pastor Brandt, who is like a pastor to the pastors, and he had a great message.  It is not as warm today but we have sunshine! Emoji This morning I studied, made cookies and food prep, and went to my exercise class. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Do we have soft pliable hearts or are they hardened and bitter? I think we can all attest that our hearts are not always pure and kind but can harbor bitterness, envy, resentment etc. Jesus said to the crowd on the mountain, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” (Matt. 5:8) At times we may complain that God seems distant from us and blinded from our sight, but do we stop and consider the darkness in our own hearts? We may be filled with negative thoughts and bad attitudes, and infected with bitterness. When we hear that, we may say, “That is not me!” But if we allow the Holy Spirit to reveal our hearts to us, we may be surprised at what is lurking there. Perhaps someone said some caustic words to us and we are filled with negative retorts, at least in our minds. Or maybe another person stepped into our space and got the promotion that we were so sure we would get. We become envious and begin rehearsing all the negative traits about that person. Or how could the person who promised to love us always, simply leave us? Even when the worst happens, 
Jesus tells us to forgive, and that is not optional. If we fail to do that, we are warned that a root of bitterness will grow in our hearts and can not only affect us but those around us. We have only to think of families where one person has been hurt and the whole family ends up isolating that one who caused the pain from their lives. The cancer of bitterness spreads and defiles many! If we are to have compassionate soft hearts, we must forgive and not hang on to resentments, even if what they did is terribly wrong. Jesus went so far as to ask His Father to forgive the very ones who crucified Him.
 I  read from Voice of the Martyrs of the woman who stood by her husband’s coffin at his funeral and forgave those that killed him. She and her husband had refused to take the tribal oath because they valued their faith more than tribal loyalties. Her husband was beaten to death and she was also beaten. But she said to all, “I, as his widow, also tell all of you, in the presence of my dead husband, that I hate none of those who killed him. I love the killers, I forgive them, knowing that Christ has died for them too.” May we not let our hearts be hardened by unforgiveness but let His love soften those places that hurt.
Challenge for today: When you are tempted to get even, forgive and give it to God, and let Him tend your heart. 


Enjoy Your Wife

I have been reading Ecclesiastes lately.  It has been awhile since I spent time with its message.  “Ecclesiastes challenges the naïve optimism,” notes Eugene Peterson, “that sets a goal that appeals to us and then goes after it with gusto… The author’s cool skepticism, a refreshing negation to the lush and seductive suggestions swirling around us, promising everything but delivering nothing, clears the air.  And once the air is cleared, we are ready for reality – for God.”  

During my senior years, I found a good word about life with my wife that had been tucked away from my awareness in earlier years.  The CEV translation puts it straight and plain for men living in a confusing and meaningless age: “Life is short, and you love your wife. So enjoy being with her. This is what you are supposed to do as you struggle through life on the earth” (9:9).  I can almost picture my own mother giving me that advice on my wedding day.  Solomon tells us in Proverbs 18:22, “A man’s greatest treasure is his wife. She is a gift from God.”  The NLT Application Bible notes, “How sad it would be to be married and not appreciate or enjoy the companion God had given you.”

I write this blog as a testimony to God’s work in my heart, helping me to be a better husband. More than ever, I am learning during my senior years the blessing of my “better half.”  For me, Judy is the one created for our union as man and wife.  She is like good wine, getting better as she ages.  Thank you, Lord…   Here are a few things I am learning in a new way after 56 years with the same woman, things that may help you as well in your own marriage: 

First, the simple reality: “life is short.”  I have not always given my bride the attention she deserves.  I have allowed myself to be distracted, not emotionally available to cultivate a more soulful relationship with Judy.  But life is short.  Make each day count.  Don’t be lazy about giving your bride attention.  Relationships take time and effort.  After all she is “bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh” (Gen 2:23).

Secondly, I am learning to “cherish” my wife – which means, “hold dear,” “protect and care for,” and “keep in mind.” I tell her how much I love her most very day.  I continually tell her how important she is to me.  I acknowledge daily my intention to cherish her throughout the rest of our journey.  

Thirdly, I enjoy being with my wife.  This means that I give her attention and tell her how much I appreciate her companionship.  I find fulfillment in our sharing of life together.  I spend quality time sharing heart-to-heart with my bride.  I miss her when she is not by my side.

Fourthly, more and more I realize that Judy is my greatest treasure and a special gift from God.  I have always appreciated her, but I have not always verbalized to her what a gift she is to me.  I often use new words to express my delight in her – mostly verbal, because written is less my style.    

Fifthly, I want to remember the last part of Eccl. 9:9, “The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toil” (NLT).  Yes, this life will be an “earthly toil.”  But I praise God that he has given me a true soul mate who listens and gives godly input into my life of “toil.” I pray you can too!  

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