Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are enjoying the beauty of Fall. This morning I did food prep and made a casserole to share and also went to my exercise class.
Wasn’t that a great win yesterday by the Vikings in overtime?!
Wasn’t that a great win yesterday by the Vikings in overtime?!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
A close friend sent me a newsy e-mail to catch me up on her life and family; she ended it with a remark that my daily devotionals were upbeat but asked the question, “Do you ever have a down day?” It started me thinking of what makes for a good outlook on the day in contrast to one that is dark and negative. I’m sure all of us approach each day differently, depending on our background, personality, gifting, present circumstances and walk with the Lord; but it’s important how we start our day.
I wake up quite early each day, and view it as a new day of grace, acknowledging that the Lord is in control. I often talk with the Lord before I get out of bed and ask what is on His agenda. (Also, what he would have me write about) I usually have a mental list of what I would like to accomplish but I also know His list is far more important. I love to have my own quiet time with the Lord before I rouse Al and I try to pay attention if there is a special word for me for that day. The Lord knows what is coming and it is amazing to me how a scripture may be exactly what I need. Al and I have a prayer time together and then more time alone with the Lord before jumping into our day. If you have young children your day will look different but God is listening to those hurried prayers that are prayed while getting the kids off to school and settling disputes etc.
Of course, with any of us, our day may not be all roses, and things come up that test us and challenge us. It is most important that we keep our focus on the Lord throughout the day, and share with Him, especially when we hit those speed bumps! My confession to you is that when I hit computer problems and need tech help I can get frustrated. Al will confirm that!
If our day seems dreary, we might put on praise music. If it is bleak rainy day, we may bake something and enjoy the wonderful aroma that fills the house. If we seem caught up in negative thoughts, it helps to think of others and find a way to serve someone else.
Paul wrote in I Cor. 16:13 (The Message), “Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you’ve got, be resolute, and love without stopping.” Let us seize the day, hold fast to the Lord, and express love to Him and to others; then even on dark trying days, we can have expectations of good.
Challenge for today: Explore what helps you to be upbeat and view your day on a positive note.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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