Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: October 2021 (Page 3 of 3)

October 9, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying some relaxing time this weekend. This morning I cleaned the apartment, wrote letters and did food prep.
Ann is coming by in a few minutes and later Al has a meeting at church. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
As God’s children we are to be people of hope, even though what is happening around us may seem fearful and dark. I read recently on Crosswalk what Ines Velasquez McBryde had to say about her grandmother. She grew up in Nicaragua in the midst of civil war, hurricanes, earthquakes and under communist regime etc. But what Ines remembers of her was her hopeful spirit in everything. She had her eyes on the TV news, but more so, her eyes were planted on the Good News of Jesus. She continually watered seeds of hope and knew that even at the darkest times the Lord was with her and would not abandon her. She helped and served so many others as well, and brought hope to those around her.
Maybe for us it seems like our worries grow worse at night in the darkness, and our fears get exaggerated. But in the light of morning our worries tend to seem less. Philip Gulley said that “fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow.” Because our lives are in God’s hands, we can lie down in faith and wake in hope for He holds our future.
In Romans 15:13(ESV) Paul writes, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” The Amplified version says hope is the joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation. In the Greek the word for hope is Elpis which means a desire of some good with an expectation of obtaining it. We are to live in hope and with the expectation that something good will happen.
When we think of our future, it is very bright and something to anticipate. Jeremiah wrote to the exiles in Babylon telling them what God said. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans of welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Yes, we have a glorious future as God’s children for we have the promise of His second coming and the anticipation of new heavens and a new earth.
Let us water seeds of hope and remember God has things all in His hands.
Challenge for today; The next time you feel fearful, remember who holds the future and hang on in hopeful anticipation.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy



October 8, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! Hope you have a chance to enjoy this mild beautiful weather. This morning  I made a pot of chicken soup that I shared, and Peach crisp which we are going to have with our friends from Church on the Paul Bunyan trail. We are going to find a picnic table and enjoy after “church” time fellowship. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How well do we grow older as God’s children? I pondered that today as I read from Psalm 92:12-14 (The Message), “Good people will prosper like palm trees, grow tall like Lebanon cedars; transplanted in God’s courtyard. They’ll grow tall in the presence of God, lithe and green, virile still in old age.” The ESV version says that the righteous will still bear fruit in old age and are full of sap and green. That sounds positive rather than those who say life is simply all downhill! Whether we are a child, young adult, middle-aged, elderly, or very aged, we are all getting older; but there are opportunities in each segment of our lives and we can be fruitful until our last breath.
We don’t need to bemoan the fact there are some exciting things we are not of age to do yet, or that we are too old to do those things that we could formerly do with ease. Maybe we can no longer jog or lift weights, or be CEO of a company, but we may be able to give of our means to help the poor, send encouraging cards to those struggling, watch spiritual podcasts, spend time in prayer and worship etc.
We only get to live life once and let us strive to live it well, without missing the opportunities God puts in front of us. The Bible says that our days are like grass and will soon pass away but God’s love is everlasting on those who fear Him.
I’m sure we can all think of things we wish we would have done in our yesterdays but we don’t need to dwell on that. We can ask forgiveness for the wrongs we have done and then focus on what is for today and for the future. Let us not be content to stay in our present stage of life but continue growing into the next stage, ever drawing closer to the Lord.
As Christians, this life is only the prelude and the best is yet to come. We have an eternity with the Lord where we will never wither but have the most glorious future.
Let us live each day well, and to be fruitful and spiritually virile.
Challenge for today: Seek out a person older than you and ask them to share an experience of growth in their life.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


October 7, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying a lovely fall day! It was our turn to get donuts today and I always reach for the maple ones! I was in the kitchen cooking most of morning and our apt is full of aromas. This afternoon we have Bible Study downstairs and we are blessed by the fellowship.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
It’s all about LOVE! Have you had the experience of God teaching you in an area and then coming back around to it at a later time, and going to a deeper level? I know I have written on God’s love in a variety of ways in the past, and yet I feel I am only scratching the surface…God has so much more to teach me about His love and I feel like I am a slow learner, and sadly, sometimes a reluctant leaner too. 
The other morning, I was reading some scriptures on God’s love and later when we went for our walk with friends, David shared how he is writing a poem about God’s love. Then at the close of the day, a friend who is recovering from surgery sent me a bunch of scriptures on God’s love. By then I told the Lord, I get it; I want to be more teachable…to know your love in deeper ways and express it in self-giving! Lately I have become more aware of my selfishness and self-centeredness, and it is in direct contrast to His patient, kind, long suffering, giving love. I like what our friend David wrote on love and will share just a portion of it:
 “In the end, it is all about loving Jesus as he loves me.
The love that He continuously demonstrates is the way to be free.
The darkest cloud when they begin to form.
God reaches deep inside me and touches my heart, recognizing that I have been reborn.
For some time, I have been thinking about God and his love and what is known.
The one who created the universe loves me individually as his very own.
When I read about His unconditional love, I was in total awe.
He touches my heart by telling me he accepts me just as I am with all my flaws
 God’s love is perfect, patient, kind, never jealous, loyal, and much more. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
He will abide in us, and his love is perfected deep to our very core. (1 John 4:7)
A drastic change in our life happens when his love enters.
We desire to give God’s love away and make him the center.”
 May each of us experience more of God’s deep love and let it flow through us to others.
Challenge for today: Slowly read I Cor.13 and let His love permeate your heart and also touch
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

October 6, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a beautiful day and enjoying this lovely weather! This morning I made egg dishes and a veggie stir-fry and shopped at Aldi’s. Also, went to exercise class and soon there is crafts downstairs. Al had his men’s group this morning and tonight we have Bible Study so we are back into the swing of things.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Some years ago, Billy Graham was visiting an University, and he was looking out the window at all the hundreds of students scurrying to class. He asked the dean what the greatest problem was at this university? After a few moments to think about it, the dean answered, “Emptiness.” As I read this, I would also say it is the problem today as young people feel lonely and empty. It is evident in their countenances and behavior. It isn’t that they don’t have enough material things but rather they haven’t found what really matters in life. It is also true for anyone that has not received the Lord into their lives…life is lonely and without meaning. It is filled with things that don’t satisfy the deepest longing of the heart. Some really don’t know that the answer is Jesus and need to hear the Good News! We must be ready to share Him with others with every opportunity the Lord sends our way, always remembering what our life was like before we knew Jesus. 
David must have been alone much of his teen years for he tended sheep for his father. But he found the Lord was enough; God supplied all that he needed and he didn’t lack anything. The Good Shepherd fed, guided and shielded him and gave him rest. He didn’t have to fear for He experienced God with him and was restored and refreshed. Even when he was alone on the hillsides with his sheep, he experienced God’s presence and knew God was with him. He did not feel empty but said his cup brimmed full of blessings; he doesn’t need a thing.
We can experience fullness in life when Jesus is at the center, and the empty place is filled with Him. As David said in Psalm 16:11 (Amplified), “You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.”
Challenge for today: Spend some time with the One who satisfies your deepest longings and fills your cup to overflowing.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

October 5, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to anticipation of a beautiful day.  I hope to go down stairs this morning for coffee and choc covered raspberries and then we are invited to friends this afternoon. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Have you noticed how we often struggle with the same sins over and over again? We are sorry at the time but then do it again.  It’s important that we recognize our sins and name them, for then we can seek God’s help to change us and to become more like Him. Chara Donahue writes on about habitual sins women may be struggling with but I suspect if you are a man and reading this, you might find it applies to you as well.
We all sin each time we think we know better than God and proceed to go our way instead of His. But the truth is that God’s ways are higher than our ways and we need to pay attention to how He directs us. It says in Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV), “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Maybe our sin is the struggle with delayed obedience and telling God we will do what He asks later, but not now. We hate to get interrupted and end up tabling what God says, telling Him we will do it another time; but He may have to use someone else to meet the need.
Perhaps we are also guilty of tolerating “smaller sins” and call them by other names like weaknesses and mistakes; but we need to hate all sin, even the things our society celebrates. We may struggle with fear of man and get into people pleasing, but we should seek first to please God and to reverence Him. Another sin Chara names is planning without consulting God. We need the Lord to guide us and slow us down to listen to His plan, rather than to depend on our own human wisdom. And there is the sin of gluttony but not just of food; it can be an excess of anything like shopping, watching T.V., exercising, or anything that is overdone and robs us of time with the Lord. There is also the sin of pride that trips us up. We want to get the glory for something we excel in and fail to acknowledge that our gift and power to succeed is from the Lord. Then there is the sin of grumbling and complaining. It isn’t always obvious, but maybe we ask for prayer and then go into long explanations of the situation and complain. Sometimes our sin may be envy when we realize we are lacking in something that someone else has. Or we can be discontented as we see that others seem to have more than we have and we want what they have. But like Paul, we can be content in whatever situation the Lord has us in. Let us not keep struggling with the same sins but let us ask the Lord to change our hearts.
Challenge for today: Confess your sins to God and to seek His higher ways.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

October 4, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Today is another beautiful fall day. We were so awed by the colors at the lake yesterday…gorgeous! This morning I made spaghetti pies and went to my exercise class. Grandson Joe got home yesterday from the Marines due to covid and will be going back in January. Thank you for prayers. 
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
It’s so important that we keep in step with the Lord and are on His time table. Sadly, we can jump ahead of Him, and it only makes for stress in our lives and things not working out well. We forget that when we give the Lord our situations He is at work in unseen ways, and we can just trust that in duetime things will work out according to His perfect plan.
I was restless Saturday night as I knew we were going to our former church yesterday since Al was preaching. I continue to pray for several friends in my former Bible Study group and wanted to have time to catch up on their prayer requests etc. I also wanted to see a friend in Assisted Living and another former neighbor and friend who would soon leaving for the winter; that was besides going to our daughter’s for dinner and wanting time with our grandson before he left for the cities. I didn’t sleep so well as I couldn’t figure out how I could fit that all in, but I just knelt by our bed and prayed.
Much to my surprise, we got to Hackensack early enough for me to see my friend in Assisted living and to pray for her. Then when we got to church, I was able to talk to several friends alone who shared some concerns and helped me to know better how to pray. One had even baked my favorite cake and put it in our car, with enough cake to share with our daughter’s family and my friend whose birthday is tomorrow. After we ate dinner, my grandson wanted to go for a walk and it was a time he could share what was happening in his life while walking to see my friend on the next lake. On the way there, we were surprised to see a good friend on the road; when it was time to leave there, my brother and nephew also just happened to see us on the road and stopped their car to visit. I had no idea they were at the lake. As Al and I journeyed home later, I shared with Al what a rich day it had been and God arranged it all. My heart was filled with gratitude and I knew He was working all the while in the unseen.
Today I read from Psalm 77:19 (ESV) when the Israelites were fleeing and trapped between the Egyptians and the Sea, but God provided for them. It says “Your way was through the sea, your path through the great waters; your footprints were not seen.” We may not know how God is going to work in answer our prayers, and we may not immediately see His footprints, but we can rest assured He is at work. We don’t have to jump ahead as He has got it!
Challenge for today: Commit each day to the Lord and wait for His leading in your life.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

Who Sees Us?

When I listen to many politicians, I picture arrogance prancing right before me, like mischievous children who think they will not get caught. We are told God hates arrogance. “To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance” (Prov. 8:13).  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines arrogance as “an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions.”  It is the height of arrogance when someone seems to have total disregard for the Creator of the universe who has invited us to call him, “Father.”  The Psalmist cries out, “Why does the wicked man revile God?  Why does he say to himself, ‘He won’t call me to account’?” (Ps. 10:13).

We have become complacent in our own wisdom, thinking we know better than our heavenly Father. “You were complacent in your evil deeds; you thought, ‘No one sees me.‘ Your self-professed wisdom and knowledge lead you astray when you say, ‘I am unique! No one can compare to me!'” (Is. 47:10 NET).

In at least two instances, the prophet Isaiah calls out the arrogance of those who think God does not see.  First, Isaiah 29:15 says, “Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the Lord, who do their work in darkness and think, ‘Who sees us?  Who will know?'” The second is Isaiah 47:10, “You have trusted in your wickedness and have said, ‘No one sees me.‘  Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you when you say to yourself, ‘I am, and there is none beside me.'” 

The first passage is directed to the leaders of Judah and “probably alludes to political alliances made without seeking the Lord’s guidance…There seems to be a confidence that their deeds are hidden from others, including God.” (NET).  In danger of an invasion from the Assyrians, the leaders of God’s people were planning to seek help against Assyria from Egypt.  Instead of publicly putting their trust in God, “the leaders of Judah are reduced to the secrecy of underhanded human politics.  For them, the sovereign God might as well not exist” (ESV).

The second passage is directed at the Babylonians. “The Babylonians gave great attention to cataloging all the possible omens that might occur and what they would mean when they did; it was a great but vain intellectual effort.  When disaster came, their magical wisdom was useless to either foretell it or prevent it” (NIVZSB).  We read in Is. 47:11, “But disaster will happen to you; you will not know how to avert it.” (CSB). Babylon’s wisdom was actually foolishness; it would fall because it was wise in its own eyes rather than trustful of God.  

In all of the prancing that is being done today, we need to always remember how God has dealt with the pain of our fallen world. “”For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross” ( Col. 1:19-20).    

Men, we are Jesus followers.  We need to humbly keep our eyes on Jesus.  He will make a way for us through this modern wilderness.  John tells us, “The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands” (John 3:35).  As the good shepherd, Jesus will lead us through this present wilderness.  “But he brought his people out like a flock; he led them like sheep through the desert” (Ps. 78:52). 

While others prance, stay humble – and keep your focus on Jesus and the cross. 


October 2, 2021

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying the weekend. More rain today but keeps the grass keeps getting greener. This morning I cleaned the apt and wrote letters and studied. Tomorrow we will be going to church in Hackensack as Al is preaching there. We are going to Ann’s afterwards for dinner and I have a wild blueberry crisp made for us to sample. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Prayer is so important and when we neglect prayer, we can find ourselves lacking peace and feeling distant from God. Then when some difficult circumstance happens to get our attention, we quickly cry out to Him. But why not enjoy the love and peace of being joined with the Lord throughout our day and attentive to His voice of love?
While at our son’s house, I had time in the morning after the grandkids went to school, to just sit quietly looking out on the woods and being with the Lord. It was just good to be in His presence and words weren’t even necessary…just prayer without words.
Sometimes we may barge into the day on a dead run without thought for the Lord. It isn’t long before we are exhausted and feel sorry that we have caused others frustration and also ourselves. Maybe we have overslept and have children to get ready for school but we can still send dart prayers to ask for God’s help.
J.C Rift wrote a little book, A Call to Prayer and challenges all of us to form a habit of daily prayer.
He said that prayer is the mark of a true Christian. When you think of it, how can we call ourselves a follower of the Lord and just not spend time with Him? When we pray, we are in faith committing everything into His hands
The habit of prayer brings us encouragement as well, for we see God at work and in action all around us.
Prayer helps us align ourselves with what God desires for our lives. We seek His will and know that He is the One directing our life.
When we don’t pray, we may become stagnant and backslide and soon we feel distant from Him.
The habit of prayer brings peace, no matter what things are happening in our lives. We may have a big project at work and even though we may not know how we will get it done, committing it into God’s hands helps us quiet our fears and gives us a clearer mind.
I am reminded of what Paul said in Eph. 4:6-7 (ESV), “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let our requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Let us form the habit of prayer and live in His peace!
Challenge for today: Spend the first waking moments giving your day to the Lord and share with Him throughout your day.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


October 1, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! We started the day with rain and everything is so fresh again. This morning I did food prep and made choc covered raspberries, and blueberry crisp, and got out our Fall decorations. Al joined other men here at Northern Lakes in Fantasy Football and is no#1 right now!!Emoji Of course it may not last. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Loneliness is on the rise in our culture and there are many that say they have no close friends. Zero! Without close ties with others, it has an effect on our physical and emotional health and leads to feelings of isolation and depression. We have need to be connected with others like family, those we work with, others in our community and church etc. Since many are working remotely now due to COVID 19, so many are left feeling even more lonely.
Some say they are connected because of social media and refer to others as close friends; and yet if you question them farther, you find out they have never met the so-called friends, or had a face-to-face conversation with them.  They may share same views, play games online, be of the same political party etc. but that is mostly just mental togetherness. Such relationships seem to exist only in the imagination rather than in reality.  There are others that are bound together by a common hatred of other groups or movements and they feel joined by things or people they detest. That is not friendship!
Friendship is when we can hug one another, share memories, play games and sports together, worship together and tell one another our stories. 
Jesus was God and He was also human like us and had friendships; he had 12 who he invested his life into and 3 who were his closest companions. One speaker said that if we had one hand full of good friends, five, we would be very rich. They are ones that are honest with us and love us for who we really are. They give more than they take and forgive us when we fail. They believe in us and take time for us and let us know we are important in their lives. Such friends are beautiful gifts from above.
Of course, friendship with God is the most important one of all. Such friendship is deep and dependent on our trust in Him. Do we believe in Him enough to confide in Him and follow His will for our lives? We have Jesus words in John 15:12-13, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Jesus gave His all for us and what more could He give to let us know He loves us and wants to be the friend that sticks closer than a brother. We are never truly alone when we trust in Him.
Challenge for today: Spend time enjoying your friendship with the Lord and then do something special for a friend He has given you.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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