Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this weekend and all the fall colors. The temperature is cooler but so nice to see the sun again. Soon I must get busy and get out our winter clothes. This morning I am getting ready for a special friend coming shortly and can’t wait!

Devotions from Judy’s heart
Are we prepared for Jesus coming again? Are we eagerly waiting and readying ourselves? Each day we are a day closer to His coming, whether it be by His Second Coming or whether it is our time and He takes us home to be with Him forever.
As I write this I am very excited as I got a call last night from a dear sister in the Lord who is coming today. I haven’t seen her for some time and although we e-mail frequently, it’s nothing like seeing her in person. She is driving with her nieces all the way from Des Moines, IO to Baxter, MN ! She doesn’t know the exact time they will arrive but I want to be home and ready with table set to dine together and have sweet fellowship.
It makes me aware of how we need to be spiritually getting ready for the Lord’s coming. We begin by opening our hearts each day to have fellowship with Him, reading the Word, listening to His voice, and making room in our schedules for doing what He asks of us.
We must guard against growing lukewarm and getting so busy with other things that our desire becomes no longer for Him. Every day the Lord comes knocking as it says in Rev. 3:20 (NRSV), “Listen, I’m standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.” He doesn’t force His way but waits for us. Will we respond with anticipation and joy and quickly open the door? If we do, He comes in and fills our empty places with a beautiful fragrance. He brings healing and wholeness to us and fills us with His love.
Let us not hold back and ignore the ways the Lord comes knocking, but open wide to Him with a receptive heart. Who knows, if today is the day He comes again or if it is our last day on earth?
Challenge for today: Tell the Lord He is welcome in the home of your heart and open wide to Him.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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