Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: September 2012 (Page 3 of 3)

Sept 8th


Devotions from Judy’s heart

Jesus has called us to be light-bearers and as He says in Matt 5, we are to let our lights shine so others can see and give glory to God. The Message translation puts it this way “ You’re here to be a light, bringing out God-colors to the world.” He desires to use us to make Him visible to the world. When we went to the coffee party on Saturday with all the relatives, Scott spoke of relatives that we honor and who have let their lights shine before us, like my dad, my aunt etc. I’m sure you have all gone by mailboxes with reflector tape on and it makes them stand out, especially at night.  We are to be His reflectors and  As Sarah Young said we are to brighten up the world by reflecting who He is.  As the Holy Spirit has free access in our lives, may the light of His presence flow from us to all those around us, bringing His healing love.

Sept. 7th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

Yesterday I was at a coffee party and one of the gals showed a picture of a bear taken right from her window. Another gal said this bear was in her garage and they had a hard time getting him to leave, even after banging on things.
As you can imagine that didn’t make me feel very good as I walk each day in the same vicinity!  I thought of how the enemy is out there and wants us to be afraid and to hinder our relationship with the Lord. In fact, we can get so focused on him that we lose sight of the power of the Lord.  We need to be cautious of the enemy’s tactics and alert, but not so the enemy steals our focus. When this happens we miss out on the peace and joy that the Lord gives. Later yesterday I went for a prayer walk but I just enjoyed that time and used it to pray and not to imagine a bear behind the trees or a rock. We have the wonderful promise in Ps. 91:15, “When you call me, I will answer you. I will be with you in trouble. I will rescue you and honor you.”  When we sense the enemy trying to trip us up or rob us of our peace, let us call out to the Lord and as it says in Ps. 18:39, He equips us with strength for the battle.

P.S. Right after I wrote this I went to Facebook and there I saw a picture of a neighbor who had just killed the bear. Wow!

The Cat

We have had some excitment on the lake in the last couple of weeks.  You see, Judy’s cousin Tim and his son Matt have bought a cat in Canada.  No, it is not a pussy cut, but a a huge  bulldozer “cat” with a 15 ‘ blade.  They want to make some trails on their land, which happens to be adjacent to our land.  They are excited to put their “cat” to use, so they are willing to help us make prayer trails on our 4o acres.  We were out on our land plotting where the trails might go.  I learned some spiritual lessons while being with Tim and Matt.  As I write this post, I think of Jesus’ invitation in Luke 5 for Peter to “push out into deep water” (5:4).  Peter told Jesus that it had not been a good night.  But we read, “because you say so, I will let down the nets” (5:5).  They, of course, caught a lot of fish. 

First, I admire them for thinking  “outside the box” and going into “deep water.”   Not many individual landowners would buy a big “cat” and bring it down from Canada.  I sure would not be challenged to do such a thing.  But Tim and Matt have the capacity to be creative in such an adventure.  My creativity would be expressed much differently.  What I was learning from those two is the need for each of us men to be “risk takers” in the area of our capacity, not our incapacity.  I don’t think God will call us to step out of the box to do something that is contrary to our capacities.  But He will stretch us to be more dependent on him and go out as it were into “the deep waters” where we learn to trust.  How is God wanting to stretch you at this point in your journey?  It will always make you dependent on him in using you uniquely with your capacities.  In your weakness, you will find his strength.

Second, Tim and Matt wanted to share with me the excitement and thrill of exploring 40 acres of northwoods, to see the possibilites for making trails, so that retreatants could commune with God in nature.  I was a little reluctant to go “tramping” through woods.  But once I got back there, I could visualize the potential for a contemplative walk in the woods.  The experience of being in the middle of 40 acres of undisturbed forest, overlooking a ridge of large trees, can’t be compared with driving along a township road on the edge of the 40.   I thanked Tim and Matt for getting me out there.  There are times when we need to be challenged to get beyond “the familiar.”  Jesus knows when to challenge us.  What are you doing with the “nudging.”  You will see life differently.

Thirdly, Tim and I willingly followed Matt as he walked our 40 with the GPS readings found on his smart phone.  Don’t ask me how he did it.  But he know what he was doing, so we followed willingly.  A few times they had to wait for the 71 year old monk.  I was learning a wonderful lesson in following.  Men, our whole journey in life is following Jesus.  It will be our cross as men, to continually have to give up control and understanding.  Out there in the dense woods I was lost without Matt and his GPS markings.  Without Jesus I am lost in the woods.  He asks me to “put out in the deep” – to trust him.  Peter and the other fishermen did.  They caught fish and their lives were changed.  “Then Jesus said to Simon, ‘There is nothing to fear.  From now on you’ll be fishing  for men and women.’  They pulled their boats upon on the beach, left them, nets and all, and f0llowed him.” 

 Evidently life was not the fulfilled fishing.  But when Jesus came and challenged them to “push out into deep water,”  resulting in more fish then they could manage, they know that they were being invited to a greater challenge then a fishing career.  Peter didn’t think he was worthy to follow Jesus. “Master, leave.  I’m a sinner and can’t handle this holiness.  Leave me to myself.”  Do you feel like Peter?  Peter was reassured by Jesus because he left to follow him.  Men, when you “push out into deep water” your relationship with Jesus will change.  It will be a true adventure.  But nothing changes when we stay on the shore, playing it safe.

Sept. 6th


Devotions from Judy’s heart

Yesterday  when I was at the garden I went down the 2 rows of beans and thought I had picked most all of them. But as I went back the opposite way down the row, there were so many beans I missed. They were seen better from the other direction and I would have missed them. Sometimes we see things only from our point of view and don’t want to turn and look at things through another person’s eyes. When we do this and hang on only to our way of seeing, we may miss many valuable things the Lord has for us. Our way is not the only way!  We need to be open and seeking and searching so that we glean what He has for us. It may mean lifting the leaves and looking way down under, it may mean pushing aside what we have always known. And when we do, we may be surprised at what the Lord has for us. As it says in Prov. 15:14, “The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge.”

Sept. 5th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

Yesterday I went to the garden to weed and pick the veggies but soon found out my gardening-partner had the sprinkler on there and I had to postpone my plan.  Had I forced my way, that wouldn’t have been very wise and, I would have gotten dirty and muddy. Sometimes we can try to make things happen that are not part of God’s plan and it messes things up. Hopefully we learn from those times and are content to wait for His perfect timing and way the next time.  Just yesterday I was amazed at how He orchestrated the timing of the relatives coming over, as one left others came etc and was like clock work.  I would have had a hard time to arrange that so perfectly but He had it all on His time table. As it says in Prov. 3:5-6 as we trust and acknowledge Him and don’t depend on our own understanding, He will make our path straight….In other words, He will put us on the right course so we progress to the goal. Let us not push our own way but trust His ways area best.

Sept 4th


Devotions from Judy’s heart

Today I washed the rugs for the bathrooms and hung them on our deck railing to dry while I went about my day. Later when I checked on them they were totally dry and I could put them back on the floors. It made me think of things that happen to us that may just need to rest and let time do the healing. We know it would not do any good to speak up and may do more harm than good. Sometimes it is best to confront but there are other times, we need to just lay it to rest. Just like the rugs, I hung them out in the sunshine, and let them lay all day.  During that time the Lord can work on it, and in the sunshine of His love, healing takes place.  Our part is just to surrender it into His hands and let Him bring the healing to our hearts.

Sept. 3rd

Devotions from Judy’s heart

When Kurt came with his kids on Friday, they were so keyed up to see the new boat that they went from their vehicle directly down to the lake… after hugging us of course. They delayed supper and unpacking to get right to the water and spent the next couple hours tubing and riding around the lake. They were focused and excited and everything else was on hold. We could hear their squeals of laughter as they rode the big waves Kurt created for them with the boat. I had a sneaking suspicion that they would want to be boating before eating, so I held off on supper until they had fun on the lake. Now if I insisted on eating first and having them unpack, they would have been disappointed for their enthusiasm was very high for being on the Lake. I wonder sometimes with new Christians if we try to direct them as to what they should do and know, and give lots of rules. Maybe even steer them away from what the Lord is teaching them at the time, in order to get this teaching or that teaching that we think is more important. God has each of us on a journey that is exciting and individual. We need to respect and reinforce His ways in each other’s lives and not put on them our ways. We might even find ourselves rejoicing and renewed as we hear their laughter and joy in the excitement of the new!

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