Devotions from Judy’s heart
Yesterday I went to the garden to weed and pick the veggies but soon found out my gardening-partner had the sprinkler on there and I had to postpone my plan. Had I forced my way, that wouldn’t have been very wise and, I would have gotten dirty and muddy. Sometimes we can try to make things happen that are not part of God’s plan and it messes things up. Hopefully we learn from those times and are content to wait for His perfect timing and way the next time. Just yesterday I was amazed at how He orchestrated the timing of the relatives coming over, as one left others came etc and was like clock work. I would have had a hard time to arrange that so perfectly but He had it all on His time table. As it says in Prov. 3:5-6 as we trust and acknowledge Him and don’t depend on our own understanding, He will make our path straight….In other words, He will put us on the right course so we progress to the goal. Let us not push our own way but trust His ways area best.
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