Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: July 2012 (Page 3 of 4)

July 11th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

While working in the kitchen at Kurt’s I got a stain on a shirt I happen to like.  When I washed it, it came out with the stain just as prominent as before. Since it had gone in the dryer too, I felt it was futile to wash it again and would probably have to throw it away. But when I got it home, I sprayed it and then washed it a second time. I was so surprised when the stain was completely removed and I can wear the shirt again. Have you ever wondered if you can ever get over something that you did or was done to you? A big stain in your life! It may seem impossible but the Lord is able to wash us and make us 100% clean and white. We may try other ways to get over it, but when we give it to the Lord, He is able to remove it completely. After David had committed adultery and Nathan revealed his sin, he cried out to the Lord, “purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”  Let us go to the One who can cleanse and heal us and make us new.

The gospel according to Toyota

 When Judy and I take our trips to see the good, old USA , as well as our children and grandchildren, we drive our Toyota Highlander.  We love our highlander.  As we begin our journey I pray a prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude for having health, companionship and the freedom and the means to travel.  I also pray for our protection, picturing Judy and I in the hands of Jesus and asking the Father to send his angels to watch over us.  Now some of you would not prefer a highlander.  But we are sold on their quality, reliability, comfort and affordability.  But Toyota wants more market share. 

Toyota’s advertising agents know how to market their cars to both men and women.  Watch football games and the ads are about the Toyota Tundra.  There is a rough, gravel-voiced narrator.  A dangerous situation.  Huge metal beams swinging through space.  Dirt. The sound of motor roaring, tires squealing, metal grinding, and cables snapping.  Then there is the crowds of men cheering the truck’s narrow victory.  It is all meant to appeal to the dangerous adventure instinct in a man.  Yet few men watching the ad can actually drive a tundra in those kind of circumstances.  What sells is just the image of doing what the ad portrays. A man on Sunday afternoon, relaxing, anticipating  Monday morning,  going back to the confined space of corportate life, dreams of the adventure of getting down and dirty with his tundra.  Now where I live this is a reality for men.  But I assume most of you guys are stuck in a city.  

Now look at the ad for women.  It will more then likely be a day time show.  There are flowers, children, butterflies, a message of harmony and a female singer.  It is a ad targeting wealthy urban women who think of themselves as eco-friendly.  The Tundra pickup was targeted at men who think of themselves as rugged and hard-working.  I doubt there are very many men who image flowers and butterflies, as they watch the big game and anticipate the return to “the Box” of corporate life on Monday morning.  

Advertisers know that men and women will respond differently to the imagery of the ad.  Of course, there are exceptions, but the genders as a whole are quite predictable.  Toyota would never use flowers and dancing children to sell a pickup truck because men would hate it.  It goes against everything that is built into a man.

This leads me to make a possible comparison with the churches we attend.  Are we creating, without realizing it, a “Prius-like” culture.  Can a focus that is heavy on relationships, healing, nurturing, and harmony create some natural resistance in men?  Maybe we need to watch how we decorate the church – to many flowers, quilts, ribbons might not fit for guys?  What about all the female voices, sentimental music, focus on children during the worship service?  I am just wondering.  I know as a naturally relationship guy, I might have stressed relationship more then the challenge and actual danger of being a committed follower of Jesus. 

Could it be that we have been softening the message of Jesus to accommodate an overly feminized view of being a follower of Jesus?  Are we experiencing more of a feminizing culture in the church?  (I could get into trouble just suggesting this possibility.) I want men who read this blog to know that I am struggling with presenting a healthy balance between the “tough” and “tender.”  On the one hand, men need the challenge of following Jesus on a journey that will be difficult and challenging.  On the other hand, men need to be lead to a deep, personal, intimate relationship that will carry them through the journey that will be dangerous and hard at times.  I personally want to present this balance.  In some ministries it is either being “a tough guy” for Jesus or a “sensitive, feminized” version of following Jesus.  There is a better way; a third way.  That is what I have been working on in my life for over 30 years.  It does not have to be either/or.

July 10th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

The other day while our relatives were gathered at the Point, I drove our car over to join them. But in the middle of the road was a pail used to get water from the well. I had no idea why it was there and had to get out of the car and remove it to the side of the road. I wondered who put it there. Later as supper was served they asked my brother what happened to the well water. He had put the pail in the middle of the road to remind himself to get water on his way back from swimming. So he had to make a trip back to the well!  Sometimes people around us do things we don’t understand and make no sense to us. We may get irritated or think it impedes our progress. But all I had to do with the pail was to simply set it aside.  Let us not get upset by the idiosyncrasies of others but be patient; go on with our lives. Sometimes we may get understanding but even if we don’t, let us not judge others. Just like my brother, there may be a perfectly logical reason for their action. When we focus on the negative we will miss the gifts God has placed inside others.  As it says in Ps. 149,  God takes pleasure in His people. Let us take pleasure in others and notice all their good qualities just as we would like them to see in us!

July 10th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

One Sunday a man came up from me after church and tucked in a tag that was showing on the back of my blouse. He said it bothered him the whole service and he could hardly hear the sermon. ( I’m sure he was  kidding!) But how nice of him to let me know, and isn’t it good that in the Body of Christ others will let us know when there are obvious things in our lives that need changing?  We can grow if we are open to hear them. He was not trying to put me down but said it to help me. God sends people in our lives to speak His truth to us, but can we hear?  Sometimes we would rather reject the messenger and then we never deal with those things but keep going our own “crooked ways”.  Let us be open so that we will always be growing and becoming more like Him.
As it says in Ps.25, “Show me your ways, O lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior”.

July 7th


Devotions from Judy’s heart

Change is not always welcomed, even though we may say change is good. One night I played Scrabble on Facebook before going to bed and th next day I woke up to a whole new set up that was entirely different. At first I didn’t like it, as I couldn’t even find the dictionary check. But I am getting use to it and learning to use the new features. I still like the old one better at this point, but that is because I am still adjusting to the New.  In another sense, change is what life is all about. Sometimes it may be a little scary when we go into new territory that we have not been in before. We have to be careful not to give way to worry and fear, but to just hang on tighter to the Lord. Everything that helps us become more aware of our need for Him is good. As it said in my devotional book today, “I am pleased by your tendency to turn to Me more and more frequently… As you bask in the blessing of My nearness, My life can flow through you to others. This is the abundant life.”  So yes, change is good as we hang on to Him who never changes!  He is the same loving Father who loves us always.

July 6th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

The other night I watched the movie, Courageous, for a second time, and was once again reminded of how important to live what we believe and to leave a legacy.
What a blessing it is for us to see Kurt leading the Men’s newly formed Bible Study group on Sunday evenings. And also to see our grandkids do skits about Bible stories they have heard in S.S. and ask questions about heaven etc . While at Ann’s last time, we were able to be present for Joe and Paul’s confirmation as they confirmed their faith. And at Mark’s as I read Bible stories to John Mark, he already knew what would happen and is only 21/2.  In Ps 103:17 it says, “But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear Him and his righteousness with their children’s children.”   There is nothing better and richer than to know our children and children’s children are following the Lord.  I know we are also experiencing the answered prayers of our own parents and grandparents who prayed so long ago.

Let us not grow weary in prayer.

July 5th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

This morning I read a hymn of praise from Ps. 148 where all of God’s creatures join in praise; heavenly bodies, the inhabitants of the sea and land, and people everywhere. “Let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted; His majesty is above the earth.” (verse 13) My heart also is so full of gratitude and praise as I think over the recent days, how He spared our house in the storm, gave me quick medical help for Lyme and Anaplasmosis, and a skilled dermatologist to take care of my skin cancer. He has given us warm fellowship with family and friends and the list goes on and on. He is truly, Emmanuel, God with us.  Like Sarah Young says, He is watching over us all the time.  He knows exactly what we need to draw us closer to Him. We need to accept every event as His hand-tailored provision for our needs. “When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful.” Let us not reject the gifts He sends but find Him in every situation.

July 4th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

Sometimes in our walk with the Lord we may back slide into old ways, may grieve the Spirit, and lose our power. It is not a good place to be and things are not right.  Maybe there has been a storm in our lives, something devastating, and we blame God.  We were without power after a wind storm hit Canaan on Monday night.  Only 24 hours without power but it changed everything. Dishes sat dirty in the sink, clothes couldn’t be washed, no e-mails, no hot food etc. But when the power came on, everything in the house started going again, including the Air Conditioning.  Things were right! , I think we felt like dancing and shouting.
We were made for the Lord, and when we choose to blame God or go our own way, we miss out on the abundant life that He has for us.  But He is so ready to receive us and forgive us when we recognize our plight and cry out to Him. It is like a new beginning….like the lights are turned on again. Yes, we will all have storms in our lives and things that want to knock us off balance. But let us hold on tightly to the Lord and He will take us through

July 3rd

Devotions from Judy’s heart

“I trust in you O Lord; I say ‘You are my God.’ My times are times are in your hands.” ( Ps. 31:14-15) This was so true yesterday as we felt His presence when we came from the cities in a storm. While at the Dermatologist, it took so long first to get into my Dr. and then extra time teaching a resident how to stitch me up etc. We got on the road late but later found out the delay was good.  If we had been sooner we would have been in the midst of the storm that hit here shortly before we arrived.  We had to also wait about an hour as lines were down on our road and an ambulance had to get through. But we did get home and we were so thankful.  I thought of how I had been impatient in my spirit at the Dr. but it was actually good as it prevented us from being caught in the brunt of the storm. Sometimes what we think are delays are God’s way of protecting us. Over and over again in scripture we read about time and how Jesus was always on God’s time. Let us also be on His time for He knows best!

Are Men less moral the Women?

I read Scott McNight’s blog, “Jesus Creed” each day.  Not long ago he referenced an article in the Scientific American entitled “When men are less moral than women.”  The article stated that, “a number of studies demonstrate that men have lower moral standards than women, as least in competitive contexts.”  The article went on to say, “that losing a ‘battle’ particularly in contexts that are highly competitive and historically male oriented, presents a threat to masculine competency.  Apparently manhood is relatively fragile and precarious, and when it is challenged, men tend to become more aggressive and defensive….To ensure victory, men will sacrifice moral standards if doing so means winning.”  This might be true of the average male in our culture but I would content this is not true of a man who is secure in his God given identity of masculinity.

So what do you think men?  The article ends with this challenge ( at least, I take it as a challenge). “These findings suggest that if ethical standards are a significant factor in your choice of financial advisers or real estate agents, it may be safer to go with Bernadette than with Bernie.”  What is a man to do? Roll over and become passive in the midst of our feminine counterparts.  I know that what I am about to write is not cultural correct in our day.  But having learned a great deal about affirming my masculinity from a wonderful Christian author (Leanne Payne), I believe that “the essence of masculinity is initiative and the essence of femininity is response.”  The masculine principle is one of “orientation, direction, order and responsibility.” Remember before God created Eve, He took Adam and “put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (Genesis 2:15).  To get out there and get something done for the sake of others is built into the male DNA. 

So yes, call it competitiveness and being aggressive.  But don’t tell me that all men, “must use strategy or cunning to prove or defend their masculinity,” nor do they have to be “willing to compromise moral standards to assert dominance.”  Look at Moses.  He was sent into Midian by the Lord for years because of his uncontrolled anger.  Then as the leader of the nation of Israel for 40 years in the wilderness, he was referred to as “a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth” (Numbers 12:3).  Moses had to be strong, determined and yes aggressive at time in facing the complaining and murmuring of thousands of people.  Yet God declared him as a very humble man.

So what is the secret of being strong yet humble.  Well, as Henri Nouwen suggested we can in our hearts be both the Lion and the Lamb.  Jesus in the book of Revelation is both the lamb that was sacrificed for our sins, but also the lion of the tribe of Judah.  Our model is Jesus.  Philippians says that Jesus, “being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage, rather, he make himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant being make in human likeness.” (2:6-7).  As we yield the controls to Jesus as our boss, he gives the male what he naturally does not have: a quiet, humble and meek heart.   He give us the grace and mercy to be both like a lamb when necessary, but also a lion when needed.  There is no way our culture can help a man to be “tough and tender.”  But Jesus is in the business of retooling men to be his servant-leader in our day, for he is both a lion and a lamb.  My advise when you feel threatened as a man is to both look to Jesus and keep walking toward Jesus.

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