I want to bring your attention to the two prayer events that took place on Saturday (Sept. 26) in Washington, D.C. You might have watched on line or even attended. I watched on line. This was a “kairos” moment in time (ancient Greek for “opportune” or “critical”) for our divided nation.
Jonathan Cahn, the organizer of “The Return,” described the spiritual condition of our nation when he said, “We drove God out of our hearts, out of our government, out of our ways, out of laws, out of the education of our children, out of the public squares…out of our businesses, out of our media, out of our culture, out of our lives. And as we drove Him out, we opened up a vacuum into which came a flood of other gods.”
What are we to do? His answer :”Repent and return.” This theme is what moved me as I took part in front of my computer. Again and again participants from around the country kept crying out to God for mercy, repenting of their sins, while asking God to send His Holy Spirit to heal our land.
At the same time Franklin Graham was leading a Prayer March starting at The Lincoln Memorial and going down the entire 1.8 mile long National Mall. Before the prayer march began he said, “I’m asking people to join me and let’s exalt the name of Jesus Christ. Let’s call upon the name of Almighty God, repent of our sins and ask God to heal our land… that he would work in the hearts of our politicians.”
There were many thousands of believers, focusing on the same purpose: bringing America back to its first love and repenting before a holy God. Here are some things that impressed me with the many thousands who were there. By the way, none of the media gave it any attention, except for a few of the Christian outlets. This again shows the bias of the dominant, secular media.
The behavior of such a large crowd? No reports of mayhem. No looting. No vandalism. No calls to “burn it down.” The speakers did not call for violence and destruction. Rather one could see families and groups huddled in earnest prayer for America.
The earnestness of prayer. “We’re in a real Nineveh moment,” declared one leader. “We have 40 days and all we know could be over. And so we need God to hear the cries of the righteous remnant.”
It was a Sacred, Solemn Assembly. “This is not a presentation, a concert or a glorified prayer meeting. This is a sacred, solemn assembly- where we come, the church comes, and we bow before a holy God in reverent fear” noted an organizer.
It was challenging. Many spoke about a return to God, calling us to repentance. The focus was on believers, rather than placing blame or complaining how bad things have. “We deserve your judgment, Father, but we ask for Your grace. We ask for Your mercy,” prayed a participant.
Finally, the universality of prayer. “The Return” simulcast went out to 150 nations across six continents in 90 languages. Can you imagine such a large prayer meeting. This is, in my opinion, an event unique in the history of the church. It is the book of Acts all over again. Praise God!!
“Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy (Hab. 3:2). Men, at my age I can still “rise up” and pray. Open your heart to the Lord and cry out to him in these days.
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