Dear Ones,
Hope you had a good weekend. Our Church Women’s event went well on Saturday and I think everyone enjoyed the teachings, food, and the whole day. Yesterday we went to the cities to see my aunt and it was truly a holy time. You can read more in the devotion today.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How we live our lives is important to God and to those we leave behind. We can ask ourselves if we will leave footprints of caring and mercy that our loved ones can follow, or are our words simply empty when we don’t live what we profess? My favorite aunt will soon be with the Lord and she is one that has left so many footprints that have influenced my life. I have spent a lot of time with her family as I became a nanny that started when I was only 10 years old; there were only two children then and eventually they had eight. I learned so much from her as we worked side by side and she didn’t seem to get rattled or raise her voice with the kids (both of which I have done!), but seemed to just flow with what was at the time. She loved so well and saw the potential in each of her children as individuals with special gifts. That love spilled out to others old and young, friends and strangers, and whoever God put in her life. We went to see her yesterday and had a precious time sharing with her how much she has meant to us; we also sang How Great Thou Art and I Am the Resurrection and Life, prayed for her and said good bye. I am richer because of my relationship with Marcia and whenever the Lord takes her, she is ready to go to her heavenly home. The way she is facing her death is also a gift as she is not afraid but looking forward to eternity with the Lord and seeing her loved ones. The beloved Disciple, John, tells us in I John 2:5-6 (NRSV), “But whoever obeys His word, truly, in this person the love of God has reached perfection. By this we may be sure that we are in Him; whoever says, ‘I abide in Him,’ ought to walk just as He walked.” Let us walk in love as Jesus did and leave footprints behind for those that follow.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to fill you with His love and be an example for others to follow.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy
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