Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying another warm day before the weather changes. This morning I made egg dishes, and Oh Henry bars and went downstairs for Donuts. We have Bible study this afternoon, then shopping, and tonight I have Women’s Bible study. 
Dvotions from Judy’s heart
   We were all created with a longing for the transcendent, the desire to know our Maker. But so many try to fill this longing in other ways. Professor James Smith writes that some try to fill it with a soulmate, a romantic connection with someone. Others may try to fill this hunger with money or material possessions but find that doesn’t satisfy either. Others seek affirmation from others thinking that will meet their spiritual need but none of these things work!
   God wants to have a relationship with us but it means trust and giving up control of our lives to Him. Until we reach that point, there is a void within us and that longing to have a meaningful life of purpose is not met. Soul hunger can only be satisfied with God for we connect spirit to spirit. As Jesus said in John 4:24, “God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth.” God has also given us minds to understand divine things and he tells us to set our minds on things above. He gives us a transcendent will so we can choose to trust God and also to imagine and to conceive of new things.
   Smith writes about how we as parents can expose our children very young in life to the transcendent. From the time our kids first see our smiles of love to folding our hands in prayer before a meal, we are sending a message that awakens the transcendent. From the first time our kids could sit in the highchair we had devotions and had them fold their hands to pray. We sometimes lite a candle during the devotional reading or played music or even danced.
   As adults we should be open to the transcendent and expect to hear the Lord speak. So often when we go on a mission, or retreat we hear the Lord’s voice to our hearts as we are quieted down and ready and open to hear. We get home and get too wrapped up in the busyness of life. I like Smith’s word, “Nurturing the transcendent means keeping our eyes and ears open to the wonder of each moment.” Let us practice God’s presence throughout our day, and see what a difference it makes.
Challenge for today: Take time for the transcendent at the start of your day by singing a worship song to the Lord and let the words speak to you all through the day.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy