Devotions from Judy’s heart
Today I read from Mark 6:50 and the words just jumped out at me: “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” The disciples were on the sea in a terrible wind somewhere between 3 and 6 am. They must have been frightfully scared and then Jesus shows up. I thought of all the times I have been fearful and wondered what was going to happen. Even as a little child, I remember being afraid of literal storms and my stomach would just turn when the sky got dark and eerie. But one day His words got through to me and I was no longer afraid. It was like a miracle. Even when I originally wrote this, it was lightening and thundering outside but my insides were fine and I was at peace! I wish I could say that all my fears flew away at once but I know where to go and He gives rest. The song that came to me today also is, “Be not afraid, I go before you always. Come follow me and I will give you rest.” What a neat promise as we face the down hill economy, growing older, health issues, etc. Let us not fear but TRUST. No matter what happens, He is with us to go through it and will give peace in the midst of our storms.
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