Devotions from Judy’s heart

Yesterday afternoon we arrived in Colorado Springs, after much anticipation and hours of traveling. We came with birthday gifts for John Mark and had a celebration last night. What 3 year old doesn’t like gifts and he is no exception. He tore open each gift and ohhhed  and ahhhhed , even about the clothes. Now it makes sense that a 3 year old would rather have toys than clothes but he did so well in expressing thanks.  I wonder about us. When the Lord gives us gifts that are wrapped in trials or hardships, do we put them aside and express disappointment and anger?  Or do we open them up and try to see the value of the gift, even if it wasn’t what we were expecting or wishing for. Some of the best gifts for growth come in packages we would not choose. But maybe they are just what we need and will carry us in the days ahead and bring growth. Let us receive each gift from Him who knows us so well and loves us beyond measure.