Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! Another beautiful Fall day and Monday we will be traveling to NC and enjoying more beauty. I hope to keep up on writing devotions on the trip but will see how that goes. This morning I made individual egg dishes and lots of cookies for Al for the trip.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
We were made for fellowship with God! He is our loving Father and when we receive Him, we also brought into fellowship with others in His family that crosses all barriers of our differences. It doesn’t matter our status in life, how much we have or don’t have, for we are joined with other believers. John writes in I John 1:7 (The Message), “But if we walk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purges all our sin.” When we no longer walk in the darkness of our sin, but are forgiven and brought into the light, we enter into a family of close brothers and sisters. We share our lives together. Lately we have gotten together with new friends and old friends, and spent some afternoons sharing our faith together, with some reminiscing. Each time I am left feeling like my soul is filled to the brim and so grateful to the Lord. We talked about times in the past when the Lord showed up in miraculous ways and changed the course of our circumstances, when He walked with us through health needs and challenges in our churches etc. It was upbuilding to our faith as my old roommate and I recalled His provision for us when we were down to our last nickel. God always provided. The enemy knows that we are strengthened if we gather together as Christian brothers and sisters, and does all he can to separate us. But let us not fall prey to his devices and make a point to gather in Jesus name with other believers.
Challenge for today: Connect in some way with a believer and share what you see God doing.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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