Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! This will be my last devotional from home for a while as we will be on the road to North Carolina to see Mark’s family. We plan to stop to see my aunt on Monday morning to say good bye and to pray for her. Today I cleaned and scrubbed so we can come home to a clean house and this afternoon went shopping. Tomorrow we will pack the car and would appreciate prayers for our safety on the road and from the virus.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How deep is our trust in the Lord? Do we believe He will help us when we are in troublesome situations; or maybe we feel like we should take matters into our own hands in the event He is late? God is never late! He is worthy of our complete trust. In Isaiah 26:3-4 (The Word) it says, “With perfect peace you will protect those whose minds cannot be changed, because they trust you. Trust God always, because the Lord, the Lord alone, is an everlasting rock.” The Lord is unmovable and a solid place so we can feel very secure. He is not going to change but the same loving God that is there for us. Perhaps we don’t seek the Lord in our everyday life and have very low expectations of Him. I read today from Acts 3 of the crippled man who Peter and John encountered on their way to the temple. He was begging for a handout, but instead he was healed and began walking and leaping and praising God. Peter said, “Faith in Jesus’ name put this man, whose condition you know so well, on his feet.” This man got much more than he ever imagined. God has so much for us, and often we don’t even recognize that it is Him in our day. I just love when the Lord meets a need I have, without anyone else even knowing about it. When it happens, praise just wells up within me and I tell Him, “I know it is you, Lord! Thank you!” When we begin our day, let us believe God is all powerful and able to help us through any difficulty that may happen to us? Like David said in Psalm 62, “He’s the solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul…lay your lives on the line for Him. God is a safe place to be.” We can have peace when we sink our trust into Him and know that He won’t move but is our solid rock.
Challenge for today: Find a rock and put it in a special place to remind you that God is your everlasting rock.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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