Devotions from Gary Moon’s book, Apprenticeship with Jesus
Brian McLaren’s words touched me.
“What if, instead of reading the Bible, you let the Bible read you?…What would happen if we approached the text less aggressively but more energetically and passionately? I wonder what would happen if we honestly listened to the story and put ourselves under its spell…not using it to get all our questions about God answered but instead trusting God to use it to pose questions to us about us. What would happen if we trusted ourselves to it- the way a boy opens his heart to a girl, the way a patient trusts herself to an oncologist?”
Gary gave the example of a man who read the Bible from cover to cover 144 times but when he died he was known for being the meanest, angriest man you’d ever want to meet. He never let the passages reach his inner self.
It is important to let the scriptures read us, instead of the other way around. Take time to read a portion of scripture slowly and meditatively and may we be changed.
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