Devotions based on Brennan Manning’s book, The Rabbi’s Heartbeat
It is one thing to discover a treasure but another to claim it as our own through determination and effort. So often in our lives get so fascinated with the trophies of this world that is passing away…pursuit of money, pleasure, power etc. Whatever it is, it dims and numbs our capacity to be affected by Him. What a difference there is between knowing about God and knowing Him! John refers to himself as the one who Jesus loved. He experienced that love and leaned against His heart to hear His heartbeat. John did not believe that Jesus was the most important thing; he believed that He was the only thing. “What establishes preeminence in the Christian community is not office, title, or territory; not the charismatic gifts of tongues, healing , or inspired preaching, but only our response to Jesus’ question, “Do you love Me?”
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