Devotions from Brennan Manning’s book, The Rabbi’s Heartbeat.
How childlike are we in our walk of faith? Jesus said , “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.” Matt. 18:3-5.
As we think of the characteristics of a child he is so open, trusting, dependent, playful, simple, sensitive to feelings, open to new ideas and surprises of the Spirit, and risky for opportunities for growth.
The gospel of grace is that of a child who has never experienced anything but love and who tries to do his best because he is loved. Even when mistakes are made he knows he doesn’t jeopardize the love of the parent. Therese of Lisieux said that we should be as a little child in that we recognize our nothingness, expecting everything from God. We don’t need to get disheartened by our faults because like children we fall too, but are too little to hurt ourselves much. Later in life a child may accomplish a lot but it comes from the overflow of being loved, not to gain approval. We are loved not because we deserve His love, not because we try, but simply because He has chosen to love us. He loves us just as we are and calls us by name!!
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