Devotions from Stephen Smith’s book, Soul Custody
Have you noticed how technology has made it possible for us to be always available to people? But we were not always created to be on and available, as our souls never get the chance to rest and settle. Even God rested one whole day! We are told to observe a span of time “to cease”, which is the literal meaning of the Sabbath. As we keep the Sabbath we realize that life is not up to us and we need to cease, stop and enjoy! How we spend it is our choice of what helps us to reclaim the sacred part of our souls. Refusing to rest or cease is trying to do more than God who rested from His work. We may have to be intentional and shut down our computer and be mindful of our souls and people who mean the most of us. We may want to light a candle, enjoy a meal with friends, go for a walk or hike, take ad nap, read the Bible as a family etc. WE need to cease from anything that is not life giving. We need time to pause and to be free to enjoy God. Sometimes when we are lacking in joy, we may have violated the rhythm of life. We need to try to live true to ourselves and true to the way we were created to live. But let us remember that the Sabbath rest is intended to be a delight and not a rule.
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