Devotions from Stephen Smith’s book, Soul Custody
To live simply is to live with our souls in tact, our hearts undivided, and our destination sure. We might ask ourselves if our heart is not beating for God, what is our heart beating for? Maybe that first love we had for Him gets sucked away by the world’s pull on our lives. Jesus wants us to return to the simplicity that is in Him which means having a passionate love for Him and learning to rest in what matters in this life. We can let go of the rest. Two important words are, “Follow me” and as we choose Him everything changes for us. Another way to have simple faith in Jesus is to draw close to Him. ( James 4) We create space for Him as we open ourselves up and listen to Him, and as we become aware of His love for us. He wants us to put Him first and not get pre-occupied with things. Then He moves us from worry to trust, from anxiety to faith, from apprehension to peace. It isn’t easy to keep our soul simple. Cluttered lives makes our spiritual journey cumbersome. We need to detach from things and our souls will be set free. All of life is a continual exercise in letting go. Let us desire less stuff, but more of Jesus.
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