Devotions from Jan Johnson’s book, Invitation to the Jesus Life
Have you experienced a transcendent moment when heaven and earth overlapped…like seeing a new born baby, or seeing someone’s character change etc?
In an effort to be known personally by us, God creates some spaces on earth where heaven and earth intersect so that His presence is more easily apparent on earth. Because of our lack of sensitivity we often miss His’ transcendence. “God didn’t create us to be an “audience” but to be responding participants and even performers in the act of responding to divine glory in worship. Indeed, God is the audience, watching us and enjoying us as we respond to his great love.” In Psalms we have examples of how to respond to God’s greatness…singing, dancing, clapping, shouting, telling God’s great deeds etc.
Jesus doesn’t overwhelm us with his power and transcendence because his goal is to build a relationship with us. He doesn’t want us to be puppets but free and partnering with Him in loving people. Being a partner of God doesn’t require any role or position. “It’s about moving through life living in union with God, bearing His image to the world as we bless enemies and go the extra mile.”
“Celebrate in the Lord always.” Phil. 4:4 Let’s celebrate His greatness, His power, His works, and how He has helped us.
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