When we were at Kurt’s church Pastor Dan had an excellent sermon on anger and was very vulnerable.
He has struggled with anger since he is “Spewer” and tends to let his anger out quickly and blows all over others. He said he gets over it quickly and then wants to make up quickly.
There is another kind of anger called the “Stewers” that store it up and are ticked off inside. They remember things people have done from long ago.
Pastor Dan had us rate ourselves on a scale of 1-10 and he used the passage of scripture from Eph. 4: 26-27 on “In our anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold”
His main point was that Jesus wants to replace our anger with passion for Him. We all have a built in need for passion. When we are no longer passionate for God, we become passionate about minor things.
“Anger is frustration about my inability to achieve or control a desired outcome.”
We all need to work on letting go of our expectations and asking the Lord to replace our anger with passion for Him.
When we blow up and injure others or stuff our anger we give the enemy a foothold. He waits for just a crack to get inside.
Pastor Dan had us rate our passion for Jesus on a scale of 1-10. If our anger number is high, our passion number is usually low. So in prayer let us ask that our passion be increased for Him.
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