Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a peace-filled day. This morning I made cookies on a stick and went ot Aldi’s and downstairs for donuts. This afternoon we have our Bible study here and it continues to grow. PTL!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How is our obedience barometer? Do we act quickly when the Lord tells us to do something, or do we wait until we have more information before we decide if we will do what He is asking of us?
I am blessed by a gal in our Bible study group that acts immediately when she becomes aware of a need and is prompted by the Holy Spirit to meet it. Maybe someone is struggling and she is the first one to offer help and prayers and words of encouragement. I’m sure there are times for each of us when we don’t respond to what the Lord is asking of us and we feel convicted afterwards. Sadly, I know there are times I have gone to bed at night, knowing I missed an opportunity and needing God’s forgiveness.  God wants our obedience and for us to act in faith. Sometimes when God speaks to our hearts, we want to see more of the picture first before we obey. It can be compared to our GPS system. We don’t get the instructions until we start moving and then we get each step one by one. Sometimes we may argue out loud with the GPS and say this isn’t the right way to go. Where are you taking me? But usually, we end up exactly at the right place by following the guidance.
Abraham is a wonderful example of someone who listened and obeyed. He was told to leave home and everything familiar to go where the Lord would lead him. He didn’t have much to go on, but simply that God would bless him and make of him a great nation and in him bless all the families of the earth. (Genesis 12) Wow! And he went! And God blessed him!
God could tell us to leave our corporate position with all the perks and go to a foreign country to serve him.  Would we obey? Or He could tell us simply to make a make a hearty meal for a family who is battling sickness and would we respond? Sometimes it is in obeying in the little things that makes it easier to obey in the big things that come along. But it takes trust to really believe God has our best in mind and that He will take us through whatever He asks of us to do. As Paul says in Eph. 6:6, may we do the will of God from our hearts!
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and follow in obedience.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy