Devotions from Judy’s heart
While here at Mark and Andrea’s we have had time with John Mark who is 2 years old. What a joy to see his obedience at his young age. He has learned that there are consequences if he chooses not to obey and occasionally he may test the waters. But when we babysat on Friday, he was an “angel” and obeyed us, so we actually had more time to just have fun…like going to the park. We had his best in mind but we didn’t let him get by with things. When it came time for bed, we had him help clean up his toys and put them away etc. It must give the Lord such joy when we obey His word to our hearts instead of throwing a “temper tantrum” when we don’t get our way. We know He knows what best and He is looking at the big picture and sees what is going to happen down the line. Too often we test Him as we may try to get by with things. But when I was reading from Ps. 94 today it says how the Lord knows our very thoughts and it is to our advantage if we are disciplined by Him. “Blessed is the man you discipline, O Lord, the man you teach from your law: you grant him relief from days of trouble.” (verse 12 &13), Let us be obedient children of His and bring joy to His heart.
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