Devotions from Judy’s heart
We often think we are in control of our lives but then something happens that can change our lives dramatically…soon we realize we never were in control and we are weak in ourselves. I think it is most comfortable when life is predictable but yet we grow more during the times we have to “hang on” and just trust. I think of my cousin Mary and how her life has changed since cancer was found in her normally healthy body. Another friend lost 4 loved ones within a month’s time. Paul Keller shares about the sense of being powerless…”We actually are powerless over most aspects of life and death, of living and dying. St. Paul found himself confronted with his own weakness and then realized that when he surrendered his weakness to God, he became strong. God’s strength was given to him. The truth is that God specializes in our weakness, and the more we accept our weakness, the more God is able to move in with the power to help us heal and recover.” We are strongest when we turn our weaknesses over to Him.
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