Devotions based on Albert Haase’s book, This Sacred Moment
At the heart of Jesus teaching is denying and losing one’s life for the sake of others. A good example is Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity. As a priest, Haase never met women so committed to a life of such self-lessness for the sake of others. He experienced joy and happiness just being with them and seeing their lives of compassion and concern for others. As they imitated Christ’s example they were freed from the selfishness of the ego.
Jesus also reminds us the uselessness of worry and anxiety .( Matt. 6:25-34) and to trustfully surrender to what is before us in this present moment. Faith overcomes fear and anxiety as it is focused on the Lord and not the ego. We are told to selflessly respond to the present moment when our ego would rather postpone a response because of personal inconvenience etc. But we need to be watchful for an encounter with God in any and every ordinary moment. Let us be selflessly open to Him in this sacred moment.
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