Devotions based on Trevor Hudson’s book, Discovering our Spiritual Identity
For most of us there is a big gap between knowing in our head we are beloved of God and knowing in our heart. It is far more than an intellectual conviction and the Lord wants us to wake up to the amazing truth of our belovedness. Then we can from that place of inner security seek His will and help others to know how loved they are. When we don’t know our true identity, we feel inferior and see ourselves wrongly. In our pit of worthlessness, we struggle to believe that God has a unique purpose for our lives. We usually search for answers by looking inward, looking toward others, and looking toward achievement. By looking purely inward we diminish the mystery of who we truly are. It does not reveal the whole story. When we look to others to please, we cannot find our own voice and life is lived in a secondhand existence. When we look toward achievement to give us inner assurance of our significance, what happens when we are unemployed, retired and forced to rest? It can be devastating. Jesus received His identity from beyond himself: He is the Beloved of God and in this inner awareness, He could accomplish the will of his father. NO matter what we have done or how we have failed, He wants us to know that we are loved. We don’t need to prove ourselves to God or do anything at all to be acceptable to Him. “You exist because God loves you already. You are a child of divine love.”
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