Devotions based on Trevor Hudson’s book, Discovering our Spiritual Identity

“Spirituality is being intentional about the development of those Christ-shaped convictions, attitudes and actions through which our identity as God’s beloved is formed and given personal expression within our everyday lives”. Wherever we are on our journey we can be more intentional as we live out our identity as His beloved and stretch forward in the  transformation of our personal lives.  That means falling in step with Him as He shows us not only how to live and but provides us with the strength to follow. The author suggests not WWJD ( What would Jesus do) but HWJDI ( How would Jesus do it). This question is more than something outward and has to do with what is deep within….the transforming of our seeing and listening, of our attention and our awareness, of our willing and our doing.  St Ireneaus wrote “The glory of God is a human being fully alive. “ As we discover our spiritual identity we will come alive to the wonder of our Belovedness, see the sacredness of our ordinary life, become alert to hidden things in our lives that need attention, become aware of those around us suffering, and wake up to His available presence.  We are invited to be His followers whereever we are on our journeys. What a privilege!