Devotions based on Rupp and Wiederkehr’s book, The Circle of Life
The winter season holds beauty all of its own and it is a less busy more reflective time. Even though it is quiet and dormant, it also has its share of harshness. We may miss the positive value of this season just as we may consider our interior winters uncomfortable. But it is something to enjoy and is vital for spiritual growth. Our spirits need dormancy, rest, silence and solitude. Winter time is the opportunity to slow down and refocus our direction and purpose in life. When we encounter storms it challenges us out of our comfort zones and we may find we need courage to stand strong with hope for the future. It may force us to let go of our securities and cause us to reach out for help from others too. In this dark time we can learn more about ourselves and our relationship with the Lord. Even though all appears dead and void of movement, there is quiet growth that is taking place. Sometimes we may be tempted to give up, to lose hope and to stop believing in ourselves when we can’t see our growth. But we must wait patiently and to remember with hope, that a future springtime is coming.. a time to burst forth in the joy of spring.
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