Devotions from Judy’s heart
We have all made bad decisions and have regrets about what we wish we would have done. Rather than letting those things rob us of our peace in the present, it is more important what we learned from them. Will our mistakes and sins that we now regret, help instruct us to not repeat them?
I was reading Ann Spangler’s devotional book and she tells of a story that Charles Stanley shared about a woman who felt like God called her to Southeast Asia. But instead of answering that call she married a man who didn’t feel called to missions and she was regretful for 25 years. Finally, the woman told her husband how she felt and he encouraged her to take a short mission trip up to a year’s time.
She tried to hook up with a missionary organization and also flew to Southeast Asia to seek a missionary that might need her help, but her efforts failed. She went home after four months sick and discouraged. But a wise Pastor told her the truth, “That boat sailed. God may have called you nearly thirty years ago to serve Him in Southeast Asia. What you need to ask yourself is this: ‘What is God calling me to do right now?’
Are we similar to this woman who let her regrets continue to rob her of God’s peace for years? When we feel we have blown it, we need to ask forgiveness and then go on, with an openness to whatever God is wanting to do through us now. Let us not get stuck in regrets but learn from them and not repeat again. When I read this story it was freeing to me to know that though we can’t redo some of the decisions we have made or take back words we have said, we can repent and pray for His guidance in our life each day.
May our prayer be as I read today from Psalm 139:23-24(God’s Word), “Examine me, O God, and know my mind. Test me and know my thoughts. See whether I am on an evil path. Then lead me on the everlasting path.”
Challenge for today: Take any regrets that you have of the past and surrender them to the Lord, asking forgiveness and then going on in what He has for you today.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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