Devotions from John Ortberg’s book The Me I Want To Me.
As the body is nourished by food so our souls are nourished by others.
More than we realize, we are shaped by people and they bring us much encouragement. What distinguishes happy people from others less happy is the presence of rich, deep, joy-producing, life-changing, meaningful relationships.
We flourish when our souls are nourished in the love of God and other people.
When we are loved we become more our real self. “Love brings the power to become the Me I want to be. Loving people are literally life-givers. That is connectedness.”
When we live in isolation, we can become self-absorbed, selfish, and may give in to discouragement. People who are socially disconnected are between 2 and 5 times more likely to die from any cause than those who have close ties to friends and family.
Not only do we suffer when we live in disconnectedness from others, but others who God places around us get cheated out of love God intended us to give them.
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