Dear Ones,
Hope you had a good weekend and are not buried in snow. We look out on a very white landscape, and I wonder if I will get to my exercise class. I am going to bake cookies and make spaghetti pies and we most likely be walking in the underground today.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Have you noticed how many people who do evil things get in the headlines and on the news but those who live good and significant lives, standing for what is right, are not celebrated. What is wrong with our culture when people of integrity and faith are ignored and those who lie and cheat get a following? Also, people that are bored may try to find diversion through others that seem to live lavishly and have a glamorous lifestyle, when theirs seems so dull. But that is secondhand living, and they miss out on what God has for their life.

Of course, in scripture we see that the people God used didn’t try to copy someone else’s life for each one is an original and has a different script written by the Lord. They had to explore how God was leading them and then to obey. They didn’t achieve greatness by self-promotion but by obeying God. As we mature, we grow in self-lessness and humility and will live our best, whether or not noticed or celebrated. The bottom line is TO GOD BE THE GLORY! It’s not about us, but all about Him.

We were put on this earth for such a short time, and will we accomplish what God has put within us and live it out?  Of course, we will have failures, just like Moses and Abraham, Peter and Paul, but we can learn from our errors and live lives of significance. We are all in need of grace and forgiveness and our worth is not from living a prefect life. Neither is our worth in how much we make or the size of our house, but by how we relate with the Lord. Are we following Him and becoming more like Him? Our goal is to be like Jesus and let Him live through us. As John says in I John 4:16, “We come into an intimate experience with God’s love, and we trust in the love He has for us. God is love! Those who are living in love are living in God, and God lives through them.” Let us not miss out on being a person of significance who lives in God’s love and lets it flow through him to others.

Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to show you your worth in Him and celebrate your life!
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy