Dear Ones,
Hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoying milder temperatures. I am getting ready for our Women’s Bible study at church and serving this morning. Al is hoping I bring home left-overs! 😉
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I wonder if we truly believe that God hears our every prayer.  Do we know that His ear is always open to us and waiting for us to call to Him? I’m sure we have all had the experience of talking to a friend or mate, and suddenly realize that their mind is elsewhere and they probably haven’t heard a word we have said. But God is not like that for King David says in Psalm 145:18-19 (God’s Word), “The Lord is near to everyone who prays to Him, to every faithful person who prays to Him. He fills the needs of those who fear Him. He hears their cries for help and saves them.” The Message translation says “God’s there, listening for all who pray and mean it. He does what’s best for those who fear Him- hears them call out and saves them.”
When we pray our heart is joined with the Lord and we can tell Him everything that is on our heart. We are to be honest and real, of course, and mean what we pray. As we are transparent with Him, we will find that He comes close to us. Sometimes we don’t even have words but He is the One who can read our hearts and know the burdens we carry.
There are times that something may be weighing on my heart in the night; I just get out of bed and kneel down and give Him that burden and then go back to sleep, knowing that He is taking care of it.He heard me and now it is in His hands.
God wants to pray through us by the Holy Spirit.  When we have deep concerns, let us remember that we have the promise that the Holy Spirit will intercede for us. I read today about John Knox and how he had a deep burden for his country to come back to God and prayed, “Give me Scotland or I die!” God answered him and there was a rebirth in his land and the church became alive to God.
May we know that prayers are powerful, and come before the Lord in faith that He hears.
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for always hearing you and ask Him to pray through you for others also.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy