Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend to you! Hope you have an enjoyable one. We had a fun St. Patrick’s Day party last night! This morning  I  cleaned our apt and Ann and Leif stopped by. We are taking friends out for lunch soon for a birthday celebration. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
In whom do we trust?  In our day it becomes hard to know who to trust as there is so much lying and deceit that is getting uncovered. Sometimes the lies are never retracted and we lose respect for those that lie. Growing up, my folks did not tolerate lying and we knew there would be punishment if we lied. But I also could depend that they would tell the truth to me and I never had to wonder what to believe. There are friends today that I trust and know that they will tell the truth even if it is not what I want to hear, and I love and respect them. Trust is a beautiful gift!
I read this morning the song that God’s people sang as they were going up to worship. It is recorded in Psalm 125 and verse 1-2 (God’s Word)  says, “Those who trust the Lord are like Mount Zion, which can never be shaken. It remains firm forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people now and forever.” What comfort we have as we can securely rest in the Lord, trust Him and not be shaken by all the evil things that are happening in our world around us today.
Even if we would get deceived by others and their lies, we can always, always trust the Lord. He is the One who never lies, who is truth itself; and if he says it, we can believe it.
Just think of that when we read the Word. If God said he will provide our needs, let us believe Him and thank Him. If he said He will walk with us through dark valleys in our lives, believe that He is right beside us. Sometimes that also means trusting Him when we don’t understand His plans at the moment. Over and over again in the Psalms David says that he trusts the Lord, and that was even when he was fleeing for his life.
How about us? Can we trust the Lord even when we see no way out of situations, when we can’t trace His hand? That’s when we need to trust Him the most. If He says it, it is so! We need to trust and choose to believe Him always.
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for the promises you read in the Word today and tell Him “I believe because you have said it!”
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy