Devotions from Judy’s heart
No matter what we go through, the Lord can teach us and bring good things out of it, even if we don’t see it at the time. I think being sick has not only helped me to slow down but also to have more empathy towards those who have chronic illnesses. I found that I got stronger each day when I got on meds, but some people are getting weaker each day as their disease progresses. We don’t have a choice when illness strikes but we can choose how we respond. Some people go through so much and get stronger spiritually. I am amazed at some teens that are paralyzed by spinal cord injuries but accept the challenge to go on. Others go through less but get bitter. Yancy said that pain is like a hearing aid- it offers a chance to tune in and listen more attentively to what matters most. This hearing aid may allow us to hear God’s promises of love and cause us to pay attention to something that needs changing. “Love and pain are prime movers for our spiritual growth! “ In fact when we do go through difficult times it can give us a larger eternal perspective. Our times are in His hands and what that looks like we don’t know. But we do know He goes with us through everything that touches our lives. It all goes back to TRUST. Can we trust Him even when we wouldn’t choose what is happening to us?
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