Devotions from Judy’s heart
As I went to Doctor appointment yesterday I was eager to have him pronounce me healthy again and completely over my pneumonia. After he listened to my lungs, he told me the good news that there were no more rattles and both lungs were clear. I thought of the healed lepers in Jesus day that had to go to the priest to be pronounced clean. What wonderful words! You are clean! You are whole and well again. Spiritually, that is also the best news. When we ask the Lord to forgive and cleanse us, He is so ready to do that. We can move forward, knowing our hearts are made clean and it’s like having a clean slate. At our Sunday morning worship service after we have confession and also quiet time for reflection, my heart rejoices when Pastor says,…”by His authority, I therefore declare to you the entire forgiveness of all your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” This is the greatest news of all! At this time of Lent, may we meditate on the sacrifice He made so that we can receive His grace and forgiveness.
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